22/12/2020 ΑΒ Εshop “E-shop of the year” at e-volution Awards 2021!

AB Vassilopoulos' online store was  the best of the year,
along with 7 more great distinctions

E like evolution. And e like e-commerce. And 2020 is undoubtedly the year of e-commerce! It is the year that, due to a pandemic, revealed a series of new needs for the market and society, and brought new habits and trends for the way we shop.

So, this year e-commerce had its honor and in AB Vassilopoulos we adapted - quickly and successfully - to many, new and great requirements. We developed our online store, AB Eshop and gave our best in an constantly-accelerating and changing landscape with one and only goal: online service for our customers. 

And we did it by winning their appreciation and the top distinction "E-shop of the Year" for the favorite AB Eshop, along with 7 more very important awards at e-volution Awards 2021*!

  • Gold award in the "Best in Supermarkets" category for the integrated services offered in our online store, AB Eshop, and our new application, AB App.
  • Gold award in the "Content Marketing that transforms" category for the content and the overall shopping experience created by AB Eshop and AB App.
  • Gold Award in the "Consulting Services in E-Commerce | per case study" category for the strategic planning and implementation of AB Home Shop Center, the new center for replenishment and distribution of our online orders.
  • Gold award in the "Social media strategy" category for creating targeted content during the pandemic, through two big social media campaigns ("We take care" campaign and "#menoumespiti" campaign).
  • Silver award in the "E-Banking Services & Online Payment Systems" category for the flexibility in online payments from the AB Eshop or the AB App on Android & iOS.
  • Silver award in the "User Interface" category for the upgraded shopping experience to various points of navigation in the AB Eshop, from entering till the checkout.
  • Bronze award in the "Operations & Back Office" category for the AB Home Shop Center, which is an investment of over 10 million euros and serves exclusively online orders, for Attica, through the AB Eshop.

For us, at AB Vassilopoulos, everything starts from people. From our large team to our customers. Their needs are our demand and the ultimate motivation. And today, we are able to offer them an upgraded shopping experience through our online store, AB Eshop. The “E-shop of the year”!

Γιατί γνωρίζουμε ότι κα

Because we know that every e-basket is special and unique, as well as our e-customers who "fill" it. And we want to create options for new services, so our customers find the way that suits them and everything they need.

AB Vassilopoulos. For whatever you want to be.

*Τα e-volution awards 2021 τα διοργάνωσαν για 10η χρονιά το Marketing Week, η Boussias Communications και το Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου (ELTRUN) του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Τις υποψηφιότητες αξιολόγησε Κριτική Επιτροπή αποτελούμενη από 51 κορυφαίους εμπειρογνώμονες και επαγγελματίες με μακρά, πετυχημένη παρουσία στον κλάδο.

14/12/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Together we make this Christmas magical!

Young children "show" us the way. 
And AB Vassilopoulos "opens" it with its new Christmas communication.

Christmas is for the children, who will find a way to experince them with joy. It is the powdered sugar, which falls like the snow, and makes us dream. Christmas is the actions of love for your people. But also to those who, even if you do not know them, need you now more than ever.

Christmas is everything that  keeps us around a table or in a hug. Exverything that brings us closer, even if we stay away. 

Christmas is "together". And "together", yes, we can make AND this Christmas magical. With its new campaign, AB Vassilopoulos reminds this to us. It shows it to us through the eyes of children. And it provides us with everything we need to bring the Christmas magic in our home again this year. 


With the variety of AB for the Christmas table. Fine meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, unique cheeses, cold cuts and delicatessen, award-winning wines and of course favorite Greek flavors and products from local producers.

With the Christmas sweets which have the signature of Akis Petretzikis and enclude a unique, homemade taste. With ideas for holiday menus - and not only - through the festive issue of AB Food Stories, the gastronomy magazine, which is an action of love, since all the earnings from its sales are offered for a good cause.

With many festive offers for everyone, but also with “Smart” Offers only for you who use the AB Plus card.

With AB Eshop that brings the magic of Christmas to our door with just one "click".

And of course with the Gift of Love, which is also in AB stores this year, for the fifth consecutive year, so that we can offer some of the magic of Christmas to our fellow human beings who need it.

AB Vassilopoulos carefully offers you everything you need, so that this Christmas is special and unique, just like you.

Learn more here:
Watch the relevant movie on our YouTube channel, here.

Happy Holidays!

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be. 

7/12/2020 ΑΒ Home Shop Center: For your e-shopping and only!

At AB Vassilopoulos we invested € 10 million, created 260 new job positions and a store that you will never need to visit! And this is because it exclusively serves your orders through the AB Eshop.

There is an innovative store, but in it you will not find customers, except for AB Vassilopoulos people to fill "baskets"! This is the AB Home Shop Center, a "dark store", which already serves exclusively online orders in Attica *. A distribution center for you who choose to do your shopping through your favorite ΑΒ Eshop, from your home`s comfort and safety.

Through an investment already reaching 10 million euros and expected to exceed it, the AB Home Shop Center came to further upgrade the online shopping, with the highest security standards, advanced technology and the use of "smart" applications in its management and operation, which ensure the quality of the products, the faster and more "ecological" way of putting forward your online order. It currently has a variety of 11,000 products, a variety that is daily enriched.

In the "heart" of the AB Home Shop Center are its people. The 260 new employees - who are expected to become 400 - who make sure to fill your cart with everything you need and pick it up just when you need it.

And because the Christmas to come will be different, but the holiday basket remains special, the ΑΒ Eshop "already wore its best" and is just a click away from your door and, in fact, most Sundays in December **!

So visit and discover a wide variety of products and offers for your Christmas table, with more than 300 new holiday codes.

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be!

(*) & (**) refers to e-orders for many areas within the prefecture of Attica.

27/11/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Our Social Media is your Social Media

With a Gold for Father's Day and a Bronze for informing and caring during the pandemic, AB Vassilopoulos was awarded at Social Media Awards 2020

To become a trend. To influence and interact. To "make" the news. But also to "take a position" for the benefit of all: of your purpose, of customers, of society. And, above all, to make beautiful, powerful stories of people.

This is how we all at AB Vassilopoulos perceive our presence in your daily life. And through Social Media, we make sure to show it. And we are extremely happy when you show it to us. Because "our" Social Media is your Social Media. And our awards at the Social Media Awards 2020 belong to you as well.

Like the Gold Award in the Best of Twitter category for Best Trending Content, with the organic post for Father's Day “AB Vassilopoulos - Happy Father’s Day”. A father holds his daughter in his arms, whom he had first allowed to put on make-up and hair clips on him. A very sweet, strong and beautiful moment, which went viral and #1 trending topic for at least 24 hours!

And the Bronze Award in the category Best Covid-19 Response, Best Real Time Activation, for the campaign "We take care". It was our -human-centered once more- response to the needs and opportunities caused and created by the pandemic crisis. Our channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn) became information and care platforms for the National Health System, the society and our people, those who were - and are - in the front line.

To you, then, who clicked like.
To you who shared our content.
To you who commented.
To you who asked.
To you who reacted.

To all of you who showed a part of yourself on our Social Media, we owe a big "thank you".
And a commitment that we will be here, for whatever you want to be!

24/11/2020 ΑΒ Vassilopoulos: ANNOUNCEMENT

We support people affected by the earthquake in Samos

At AB Vassilopoulos we take care of those who need us by giving with love

AB Vassilopoulos, once again, faithful to its promise to care and offer to those in need.
Through an initiative of love and solidarity, it strengthens the social groceries of the Municipalities of Eastern and Western Samos, supporting all residents, in addition to those who are registered in the social services of the Municipalities, which were affected by the earthquake in Samos. Specifically, AB offers more than 18.000 products, such as water, basic food products and stationery, the value of which exceeds €16.000.
Αt  AB Vassilopoulos, we care and we prove it every day. Because only in this way we make a difference in the lives of those who need us.

19/11/2020 Accepting diversity is a choice. It is a life attitude in work as well!

AB Vassilopoulos signed the Diversity Charter for Greek companies as part of its commitment to promoting diversity.

We all have something that makes us special. Each one of us is unique. At AB Vassilopoulos, not only we embrace this, but it also consits our corporate goal: “We respect diversity. Ours and our customers uniqueness. This is who we are at AB. We give our best to make a difference in people's lives. So that we can all… be everything we already are and everything we want to become". Equal integration and equal opportunities at work are an integral part of our business culture.

The signing of the Greek Charter of Diversity for companies comes to emphasize more our commitment in this direction. A commitment that we consistently and continuously follow, many years now.

The Diversity Charter is an initiative of the European Commission to implement equal opportunities at work. Greece is the 23rd European country to sign it. More than 150 private and public sector companies, with more than 50.000 employees have already signed the Diversity Charter. In our country, the Diversity Charter is implemented by KEAN - Cell of Alternative Youth Activities.

"It is clear, and at AB Vassilopoulos it is commonplace, that accepting diversity is not just an initiative, but a choice. It is a life attitude! ”, says Dimitris Artikopoulos, VP HR / OD of AB Vassilopoulos. And he notes: “Our company employs over 14,500 employees, each one has his own personality, his own choices and beliefs. Our partners are encouraged to be everything they already are and everything they want to be, to dare, to take the initiative and to innovate. With respect for diversity, with obvious benefits for all".

To that end, the signing of the Charter of Diversity confirms the commitment and the role we have already undertaken at AB Vassilopoulos to:

  • Examine and ensure that the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment, is strictly imposed at all procedures regardless of gender, race, color, ethnic or ethnic origin, family background, religion or other, beliefs, disability or chronic illness, age, marital or social status, sexual orientation, identity or gender characteristics.
  • We understand, recognize and respect the our workforce diversity and find ways to promote it in order to contribute to the promotion of equality, mutual respect, acceptance and social cohesion.
  • We promote and enhance each individual`s characteristics and make constructive use of its uniqueness, aiming to create a diverse and non-discriminatory work environment.
  • We provide information and training to our employees on issues of diversity, diversity management and inclusion, particularly emphasimg on Human Resources executives, HR Operations Managers and Heads of Departments involved in the recruitment, training and management of human resources.
  • We include diversity management in our corporate strategy, developing annual policies and practices to promote diversity and combat discrimination and actively involve our employees in its implementation.
  • We disseminate and provide information regarding the Diversity Charter, its implementation and our commitment both inside and outside the company or organization.

At AB Vassilopoulos we are proud of our people. A group of different, unique personalities that make a difference in people's lives.

16/11/2020 Epirus' cuisine craft at ΑΒ

Until December 9, AB Vassilopoulos` Greek Tastes travel to Epirus through local, traditional products of high quality and taste.

Epirus. A magical, mountainous region of our country, which brings with it special taste stories.

We travel to Ioannina, Metsovo, Souli, Tzoumerka. The delicious sausages (“AB Choice”, Karnato, Kasiato), gourmet cheeses (metsovone, gruyere 8 months of maturity, vlahotiri, kefalotyri, pecorino 15 months of maturity), delicious chylopites “AB Choice” made from pure grains and the famous wines from the Historical Katogi Averoff promise a delicious feast that will captivate even the most demanding palates.

However, we also discover the story of the "AB Epilogi" chicken, which comes from Epirus and has conquered the world`s delicious peaks. It grows in mountain farms of the Ioannina`s countryside, from a cross of selected breeds of its kind, while the clean environment of the wider area, contributes to the production of excellent quality meat. Its breeding takes more than 50 days and, thus, it has more time to fully grow. All this time it is exclusively fed with plant food, rich in corn, which give it its special color. The way of breeding and the specific breed differentiate it in taste and nutritionally. It is no coincidence, that it received the highest distinction - 3 stars - of the Superior Taste Award 2018, from the International Institute of Taste and Quality iTQi, but also your preference! You can enjoy it by visiting your nearest AB store and get the one that meets your personal needs (Fresh Greek Packed, Fresh Greek Drumstick, Greek Breast Fillet, Fresh Greek Bulk).

Therefore, Epirus and its producers came to AB from November 12 and for about a month, to give to the Tastes of Greece the goodies of their gastronomic craft.

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be.

Learn more, here.

13/11/2020 AB: Do you cast around for prices? So do we. Guranteed!

Hundreds of products at guaranteed low prices in a range of products and categories. Look for them in AB, to win in quality and price.

You are the type who casts around for prices. You want to find the lowest, but also the best quality in the products and services you buy.

Or, again, you do not have the time or inclination to cast around for it. But you want to feel confident that along with the top service and shopping experience, you are guaranteed to find the lowest prices in the market.

You want AB!

Because at AB, with the procedures we follow, we make sure you get the lowest prices - whether you are searching for it or not.

Because we cast arround for you! Every day, we compare prices one by one with those in the market, for 10.000 products, and we are on guard to improve them for you. Because this way we are sure that along with the AB quality, we offer hundreds of products at guaranteed low prices, in even more categories.

And, in fact, the Low Price Guarantee, which you will see on our stores` shelves in a range of products, is the relationship guarantee between us. It is the guarantee that AB Vassilopoulos thinks sensitively about the customers and their needs during this difficult period and supports them. It supports you.

Look it up! Check it out. It is a matter of “price”. And price is an AB matter. Learn more, here.

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be.

And it`s nice to be sure you get low prices.

11/11/2020 AB Eshop Ακόμη πιο κοντά σου με νέες υπηρεσίες και σε περισσότερες περιοχές σε όλη την Ελλάδα

Για σένα που οι online αγορές έχουν γίνει δεύτερη “φύση” σου. Και για σένα που θέλεις να έχεις επιλογές στον τρόπο που κάνεις τα ψώνια σου, στην ώρα και τη μέρα που σε εξυπηρετεί και τα θέλεις όλα. Ευκολία, ταχύτητα και ασφάλεια. Την άνεση του σπιτιού σου.

Για σένα είναι εδώ το ΑB Eshop, το ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα της ΑΒ, που προσφέρει μια μεγάλη ποικιλία 11.000 προϊόντων και συγκεντρώνει 2.000 προσφορές κάθε μέρα, για μεγαλύτερη οικονομία. Με €40 ελάχιστη παραγγελία και δωρεάν μεταφορικά, μπορείς να παραλάβεις τα online ψώνια σου στο σπίτι ή από το κατάστημα ΑΒ της επιλογής σου. 


Με την υπηρεσία “Παράδοση στο σπίτι” που εξυπηρετεί ήδη την Αττική και τη Θεσσαλονίκη, μαζί με 16 ακόμη πόλεις σε όλη την Ελλάδα (Αίγιο, Βόλος, Ηράκλειο, Ιωάννινα, Καλαμάτα, Καρδίτσα, Κέρκυρα, Λάρισα, Πάτρα, Πύργος, Ρόδος, Σαλαμίνα, Σέρρες, Τρίκαλα, Τύρναβος, Χαλκίδα). Και πολύ σύντομα, θα είναι διαθέσιμη και στη Λαμία, την Ξάνθη, τη Χίο, την Αλεξανδρούπολη, την Άμφισσα, την Καβάλα και την Κομοτηνή.

Ή με την υπηρεσία “Παραλαβή από το κατάστημα” (AB Collect), που σου επιτρέπει να κάνεις online τις αγορές σου, μέσα από το ΑΒ Eshop και να παραλαμβάνεις έτοιμη την παραγγελία σου από κατάστημα ΑΒ - ήδη, σε 67 σημεία σε όλη την Ελλάδα και σύντομα σε ακόμη περισσότερα.

Αλλά και για σένα που βιάζεσαι, γιατί ξέρεις τι θέλεις και το θέλεις τώρα! Με online αγορές από το, ελάχιστη παραγγελία €25 και ποικιλία 3.000 προϊόντων, έχεις την ΑΒ στην πόρτα σου, σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη, σε μόλις 2 ώρες!

Για ό,τι θέλεις και για ό,τι προτιμάς, το ΑB Eshop είναι εδώ. Γνωρίζουμε, άλλωστε, πως το καλάθι σου είναι μοναδικό. Το ίδιο και ο τρόπος που το γεμίζεις. Για αυτό σου δίνουμε επιλογές για να βρεις τον τρόπο που σου ταιριάζει και να έχεις όλα όσα χρειάζεσαι. 

Με νέες υπηρεσίες, ερχόμαστε πιο κοντά σου σε ακόμη περισσότερες περιοχές σε όλη την Ελλάδα. 

ΑΒ. Για ό,τι θέλεις να είσαι.

Μάθε περισσότερα εδώ:

06/11/2020 OceaniQ | To take care of your home and the environment

Οnly at AB stores, the new line of detergents and cleansers in bottles made from 100% recycled fishing nets, which have a vegan texture & effective cleaning action

For you, who want to take care of your home and the environment.

For you, who see the planet as our big house, yours and ours.

For you, who do not remain indifferent to the plastic pollution of our seas and oceans. Because this is how we, at AB Vassilopoulos and #allazoumesinithies, also think, and with a series of actions and initiatives, we aim to contribute to protecting our planet.

That's why we bring OceaniQ exclusively to our stores.

This is a new line* of detergents and cleansers, in bottles from 100% recycled fishing nets which are discharged at the seas and oceans.

Because the largest percentage of plastic found today in the seas and oceans is a result of discarded fishing nets, which are one of the biggest threats to marine life

Because by collecting and recycling them for OceaniQ packaging, we contribute to a cleaner planet.

Because OceaniQ products are made with thought and consciousness. With the power of nature, they have an effective cleansing action to meet the cleaning and hygiene needs of your home but also a vegan composition, without animal ingredients.

Now, with OceaniQ, taking care of your home, you can take care of the environment! 

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be. 

Learn more, here

* The OceaniQ detergents and cleaners can be found exclusively in AB stores and on the AB Eshop. The line includes: Liquid for general cleaning 1lt, Window Cleaner 500ml, Dishwashing liquid 500ml, Bathtub Cleaner 500ml, Laundry liquid 1.5lt, Fabric softener 1.5lt.

03/11/2020 ΑΒ QUIZ! #TiTheleisNaEisai

What do you want to be? Take part in a fun quiz, find out what type you are and claim special gifts

For you who love healthy diet and you put quinoa higher than moussaka.
For you who after the meal, you always "smell" a sweet! Or maybe not just one?
For you who "listen" to every ingredient in a bite and know with what to combine the last sip of your white dry wine. So not to be lost!
For you who know that there is no cuisine like the Greek one. But also foods like the giouvarlakia "where could you find them, my dear" that your grandmother used to say…
For you who you do not miss the opportunity to travel around the world - okay, not literally, but through new recipes - to try flavors from all around the world.
But also for you who read all the above and think… What "types" exist among us? And "what kind of type am I now"?

What do you want to be? Take part in a fun quiz, find out what type you are and claim special gifts

For you who love healthy diet and you put quinoa higher than moussaka.
For you who after the meal, you always "smell" a sweet! Or maybe not just one?
For you who "listen" to every ingredient in a bite and know with what to combine the last sip of your white dry wine. So not to be lost!
For you who know that there is no cuisine like the Greek one. But also foods like the giouvarlakia "where could you find them, my dear" that your grandmother used to say…
For you who you do not miss the opportunity to travel around the world - okay, not literally, but through new recipes - to try flavors from all around the world.
But also for you who read all the above and think… What "types" exist among us? And "what kind of type am I now"?

29/10/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: We make the difference in vulnerable sectors of contemporary entrepreneurship

New awards at the Environmental Awards 2020, the Facilities Management Awards 2020, as well as at the HR Awards 2020

To respect and take care of the Environment. To embrace innovations that ensure the “intelligent” management of your facilities, but also the reduction of your environmental footprint. To apply cutting-edge e-learning systems to give young people the opportunity to work with you and join your big family, during these difficult times. And to receive the market’s appreciation, with new significant awards!

At AB Vassilopoulos, we are proud to see that our efforts to respond to the contemporary and demanding entrepreneurship in numerous vulnerable sectors, are being recognized. Our company was awarded at the Environmental Awards 2020 with a Gold distinction in the “Intelligent energy facility management systems”, with a Silver distinction for “Strategic actions to reduce carbon footprint”, and with a Bronze distinction for “Energy efficiency of buildings & E / M installations”. At the same time, at the Facilities Management Awards 2020, we received a Gold distinction for our “Digital innovations to meet the needs of Facility Management” and Silver for our “Maintenance work” (preventive and urgent both for stores and other facilities). Finally, at the HR Awards 2020, we received a Bronze distinction for our “e-learning Program for induction in AB”.

A few words about our distinctions:

  • Environmental Awards 2020 | Gold distinction for the “Intelligent energy management systems”, for the “smart” power consumption meters and energy- consuming freight management systems in our facilities (stores and warehouses), through which we achieve significant energy savings, while ensuring the optimum possible operation of our stores, always with respect toward the People and the Environment.
  • Environmental Awards 2020 | Silver distinction for the “Strategic actions to reduce carbon footprint” we implemented, and through them, wemanaged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 52% compared to the base year 2008.
  • Environmental Awards 2020 | Bronze distinction for the “Energy efficiency of buildings & E/M installations” for the recording and monitoring electricity consumption systems with “smart” meters that we have installed, which allow us to monitor the operation of stores and warehouses on a 24-hour basis and, finally, to intervene whenever necessary to achieve our energy goals.
  • Facilities Management Awards 2020 | Gold distinction for the “Digital innovations to meet the requirements of Facility Management” concerning our upgraded communication system, intergrating it into the applications and machines that are already being used by our store staff, and in the technical equipment`s complete inventory. All these improved our system,’making it more practical while also providing us with better statistics.
  • Facilities Management Awards 2020 | Silver distinction for our “Maintenance work” that allows us to keep our facilities in exceptional condition, per our high standards. The  AB Maintenance Department is responsible for coordinating the regular/preventive maintenance work, and it deals with the possible emergency failures of our network throughout Greece, our Central Warehouses, and our Central Offices 24/7and with the minimum possible response and recovery time.  
  • HR Awards 2020 | Bronze distinction for the “e-learning Program Induction in AB”, a contemporary e-learning platform, designed and developed by the Department of Organizational Development to fill the gap of training, but also to welcome our new employees across the countryfromthe moment we start our cooperation, which is the perfect time to welcome them. 

27/10/2020 50 years AB Psychiko: It has been renovated and changed in everything

A complete shopping experience which you will not change for anything else


The AB Psychiko, the first AB Vassilopoulos store and a reference point for variety, quality, and incomparable services, celebrates its 50th anniversary and changes in everything. That is why there’s no way you are changing it!

Completely renovated, it offers a complete and new shopping experience, full of fresh ideas, innovations, new digital services, and brand new sections that meet your everyday needs.

For you who you are in a hurry but still want something fresh and enjoyable, Grab & Go welcomes you right at the entrance of the AB store at Psychiko. Here you will find snacks, tasty sandwiches, yummy ready meals, delicious coffee, but also fresh juices and smoothies that are prepared right in front of you.

And for you who want  fresh fruits and vegetables, fine meats, the best fishes and seafood, and, of course, cold cuts and cheeses on your table, now, you will find everything you need for your everyday shopping on the ground floor. Because at AB Psychiko store, it wasn’t just a renovation that took place, but everything has turned upside down!

For you who are a cheese lover, on the ground floor you will find La Fromagerie and you will love it. With a unique collection of extremely rare cheeses from small cheese dairies all across Greece and around the world, here, the AB experts will introduce you to the art of cheese making and the ideal combinations for each cheese! Next to La Fromagerie, you will also find the Sushi Bar, where you can hardly resist the temptation to try sushi, prepared before your eyes! Do not forget to visit the famous AB Cava at -1, for you who want to discover rare and award-winning labels from all over the world, but also a wide range of fine wines from small producers in our country.

The renovated AB Psychiko store, however, is also for you who are looking for balance in your life. How? Discover the ultimate Armonia. On the -1 floor, you will find a wide variety of healthy options such as organic products, specialty foods, vegan, gluten-free, low-fat, high-protein, sugar-free products,and on the first floor, eco-friendly products and herbal cosmetics.
In short, at the renovated AB Psychiko store, you will forget everything you knew about “strolling around” the supermarket! And thanks to the new digital services, customer service becomes easier and faster than ever. For you who want to avoid the queue in cheeses, cold cuts, meat, fish, with the priority order mechanism at the AB Psychiko digital kiosks,you can skip the waiting .

For you who want to learn everything about the AB offers and new products, the store’s digital screens and special kiosks, will give you all the information you need. For you who don’t want to waste even a minute, the shelf check out cashiers are waiting for you!

In the renovated AB store at Psychiko, AB’s most "fresh" historical store, you will find everything you want.

For whatever you want to be!

Discover it with George Lianos as your guide and with our"experts", such as the cheese expert Vasilis Gagastathis, sommelier George Koloventzos, and nutritionist Katerina Vlachou.
Experience AB Psychiko, 228 Kifissias Avenue, Neo Psychiko, and learn more here.

23/10/2020 AB VOLUNTEERS for 10 YEARS Together we made a difference in the lives of 61,000 fellow citizens

77 tons of standardized foods were given to support
more than 265 local entities and organizations throughout Greece

Together we made the difference once again – for the 10th Year of AB Volunteering! From September 28 till October 10, AB Vassilopoulos’semployees and customers became one. And we filled the "Food Collection Carts" again and again, with what we could.

The result? Impressive! Along with a "big thank you"!

To you who care and showed it with acts of kindness for 35,000 of our fellow citizens and 200 Local entities and Organizations throughout Greece.

To you who shared everything that has value, collecting 43.4 tons of standardized food.

To all the AB employees and customers who did their best in Volunteering.

And while we made the difference for the 10th Year of AB Volunteering, AB donated 33.86 additional tons of standardized food, of €50,000 worth, to the  “Food Bank” in Greece for another 26,000 of our fellow citizens. Due to the corporate contribution, 15,000 people benefited through 40 NGOs in Athens, 5,500 people in 15 organizations in Thessaloniki, 3,500 people through 10 institutions in Thessaly, and 2,000 people in Drama.

Today, we can all smile because TOGETHER we donated for a good cause, filling the carts of “Hope”with something more for those who are deprived of much more. And we did it!

Today, we renew our "date" for the 11th AB Volunteer Day, 2021.

ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be. And it's nice to be there for those who need you the most.

#ABKanoumeTiDiafora… and in Volunteering!

For further information,

19/10/2020 ΑΒ: We make a difference in people's lives

"Corporate Responsibility Actions in 2019" report, highlights AB Vassilopoulos` values and culture of contribution towards the society and environment

Giving your best to make a difference in people's lives is not just a goal. It is a purpose! It is the social sum of actions which start from thoughts and of initiatives that are generated by the needs of the local communities in which we operate. Always focused on people: our employees, our customers, our suppliers, the whole society.

At AB Vassilopoulos we listen, observe, receive the messages of the times and social groups and we try to respond to our role as a leading company in the industry and as one of the largest employers in the country. As in everything we do, we want to be judged by the result.

We are, therefore, happy and proud to present "Corporate Responsibility Actions 2019", the result,the report of culture of offering, which characterizes us as a company for more than 80 years. Caring for local communities, caring for the environment, supporting producers and the primary sector, our obsession with quality, safety and health of our employees, customers and partners, but also elements of AB Vassilopoulos "character"  - such as determination, speed, flexibility and adaptability - are highlighted in a modern, comprehensible way in the multi-page report, as well as in the relevant video.

Indicatively, it is presented:

  • AB Vassilopoulos interest in its people and its choice to give inspiration and opportunities to people with ideas and vision. In 2019, we created 379 new job positions, increasing the number of employees to more than 14,500. We also offered 173.900 hours of training. At the same time, we invested 15.4 million euros in benefits for our staff. 
  • The support of local communities. We offered over 3.1 million euros in food donations through our CSR Programs. Through 250 organizations, we supported 123.000 of our fellow citizens and provided over 868.000 meals throughout Greece with product donation programs. Among other things, we provided, through the NUTRITION program, over 200.000 healthy meals to school students.
  • Deep and honest relationship with the producers, through actions which strengthen production and innovation, such as the Smart Farming Program. Today, 90% of our suppliers are local producers!
  • Our sensitivity for the environment. In 2019, we recycled more than 3.5 million packages. Also, more than 8.000 children were trained in recycling through the "Environmental Education and Recycling Center". We reduced by 24.6% the annual electricity consumption (compared to the base year 2008). At the same time, we are pursuing our commitment to reduce food waste by 50% and plastic use by 50% by 2025.

At AB, we act responsibly, transparently, sustainably, investing in people, in society, in our country. As the Brand President of AB Vassilopoulos, Mr. Vassilis Stavrou noted: "Throughout our journey and in everything we do, we want to leave our positive imprint. For all of us, but also for future generations".

At AB Vassilopoulos we want you to want us! That's why we encourage each one of you to be exactly what you want to be. That's why we give our best to make a difference in your lives.

AB. For whatever you want to be!

15/10/2020 AB: Tastes of Greece from Macedonia

From October 15 to November 11 we travel to Macedonia
through the AB stores

At any local producers' product, at any recipe of its popular menu, the tastes of centuries coexist in harmony. Every taste hides inside a unique combination of knowledge and imagination, which makes it enjoyable and therefore sought after! Macedonia is the "palate" of our taste identity, and since October 15 and for about a month, AB Vassilopoulos and the Tastes of Greece bring them to our table.

Fine wines from Amynteo and Drama are waiting for you to combine them with famous PDO cheeses from Grevena and Halkidiki. Also, you can combine them with excellent buffalo meat sausages breeding near Lake Kerkini, as well as with fresh Greek winy smoked steak in combination with local red wine or turkey fillet with selected spices baked in a wood oven from Drama.

Moreover, from the award-winning series - AB supports Greek products, you will find elephant butter beans from Western Macedonia, chickpeas from Grevena, fine lentils from Kozani, oatmeal and other selected legumes, as well as flour to make the most delicious pies, candies, and side dishes. And for your breakfast, pine honey from Halkidiki and honey from the region of Thassos, strawberry and peach jams, but also “tsoureki” (Greek holiday sweet bread) with praline "AB’ Choice" from Thessaloniki. You can combine them all with the Greek coffee “Ouzounoglou” with the seductive smell and with a long history since 1928. This coffee brand is awarded for its superior taste with 2 gold stars at Superior Taste Award 2019!

From October 15 till November 11 we travel to Macedonia through the AB stores and the Tastes of Greece!

Learn more, here.
ΑΒ. For whatever you want to be!

05/10/2020 We take care of the people affected in Karditsa region … With all our hearts!

An act of care by AB Vassilopoulos after the extreme weather front "Ianos"

AB Vassilopoulos takes care of the people affected in Karditsa region, who have to face the catastrophic consequences of the extreme weather phenomenon "Ianos."

With all its heart and in cooperation with the Competent Authorities, AB offers products (bottled water and long-lasting food) to the Social Grocery of the Municipality of Karditsa to cover their basic needs.

In this way, AB Vassilopoulos takes care - once again - of those who need us now more than ever.

25/08/2020 Tastes of Crete at AB from August 20

Excellent local products that will bring back …
memories from that summer you spend in Crete

“If you want to spend a great time, while being healthy, then you should eat pure products produced in the villages,” urges us the Cretan mantinada, a Greek traditional folk poem -. At AB, this is what we encourage each one of you to do, and that is why we are continuesly filling our stores’ shelves with TASTES OF GREECE.

On this occasion, from August 20 untill September 16, we bring to our stores the tastes of Crete, an island with great food culture and tradition. These are pure products made with love, respect, and devotion to the fruitful land by small scale producers.

Wild thyme honey, rich in minerals and proteins, with bright color, sweet taste, and intense aftertaste. Nuts with barley wholemeal flour, grounded in a traditional stone mill, with extra virgin olive oil. “Kavroumadaki” rusks the region of “Asi Gonia” in Chania, kneaded with cheese “Cretan Graviera P.D.O.” at L. Mountains Trypas. Extra virgin PDO olive oil, from the Kolymvari region of Chania, is produced directly from olives and only by mechanical methods. This belongs to the range of olive oil products "AB Close to the Greek land", which have been recognized by receiving multiple important distinctions in international and renowned competitions. The cheese “Mitatotyri hot Gypas”, which fascinates even the most demanding palates and is an ideal companion to your wine - white or red, beer or tsikoudia.

But also Myzithra cheese with a sour taste, cottage cheese from the White Mountains, and sweet gruyere cheese. And sausages with stamnagathi and siglino of Crete and “apaki” chicken. And the dynamically upcoming Cretan wines, from the indigenous varieties Vilana and Vidiano. And spoon sweets, chestnut and quince, which offer an ideal closing at a rich meal, combined with the Greek coffee Dandali, the exquisite blend that the Cretans have been embracing for the last 60 years.

All these and many more Tastes of Crete are waiting for you from August 20 at AB stores.

Because the Cretans - know how to produce, but they also know how to enjoy the maximum of nature’s gifts and what these people create. And as they say (ss: wish-toast at a Cretan table): “Panta geia”-"Always healthy"!

Learn more, here.

23/07/2020 Travelling to the TASTES OF GREECE with AB!

 Unique Greek products "travel" you to the place where they were born!

Do you remember the Naxos gruyere of 12 months of maturity that you tasted, accompanied by a glass of white dry wine from Lemnos, that afternoon on the island…
Do you remember that you dipped the rusks from Kythira in the Cycladic thyme honey and how much they matched with the cheese. Mmmm…

And then you think about the rose sweet that you were treated along with the Greek afternoon coffee. "Homemade?" you asked. "Even better," they replied. And they brought you the jar. It was from Chios.

So many journeys. So many TASTES OF GREECE. Goodies that you look back on and long for. Because taste after all is a memory. So, that’s what they say, right?

So, let us travel you to the Aegean sea. Let's go to Thassos, Evia, Chios, Kythira, Cyclades. Come and enjoy products made just for you with passion and imagination.

Come to AB that actively supports the Greek producers. For you that you choose to enjoy delicious tastes from our place, here you will find honey, rusks, cheese, pasta, flour, sweets, wines, all local products of exceptional quality. All the TASTES OF GREECE.

We start the journey from the Aegean sea (July 15-August 14). And then we will find other tasty destinations to try in our homeland. Always, with AB! 


21/07/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: We are always here for you, having safety as a priority

And being certified with the international scheme "CoVid-Shield" by TÜV AUSTRIA for the protective measures that we take for our customers and employees 
Health. Safety. Trust.
Three words that signify all AB Vassilopoulos’ activities from the very first moment that the threat of the pandemic changed our daily lives, forever. Words with substantial content that were transformed into care, fast reactions and flexibility under the new circumstances, following always the requirements of the Competent Authorities. With consistency, persistance and vigilance at AB Vassilopoulos we give our best every day to keep our people and customers safe. We behave the way we do, as the first three words of this text belong for decades to our core values and are deep inside our people’s culture. 
Since the onset of the pandemic, we took action. We followed each measure of the State, taking a  step further. As such, the Principal level of the international CoVid-Shield Certification that we recently received from the independent certification organization TÜV AUSTRIA, complements a wide range of actions that we took from the beginning of the Covid-19 spread. Practically, this means we take all the measures and follow all the procedures, so that our operation, our employees and our customers, are fully protected from the threat of the disease.
Each one of you who trust us for your day-to-day purchases, you are well aware that we do much more than that. We kept distance and placed special markings in all of the stores that belong to our network from day one to help our customers and our people to move easily and with safety. We kept the distance of 15 sq.m. for each person and we enhanced the control with electronic registration for all the incoming and outgoing customers of our stores. We gave priority to the vulnerable groups from the very first moment. We gave priority to people over 65, people with disabilities, pregnant women, nursing staff and the police, while protective Plexiglass was placed from the beginning to all the cash desks.
Today, we continue to apply the measures without complacency and to ensure that all of us, customers and employees, wear our face masks and adapt to the new circumstances.
And to all the things that we do, we need to add your active participation, your role, which is of equal importance, and perhaps even more crucial.
Your acceptance of our insistence on the "detail"…
Your own responsibility, individually and collectivelly.
During our everyday working life at AB Vassilopoulos, all of the above enhance our willinglness and give us the strength to keep taking care for your Health and Safety. To gain your Trust.
AB Vassilopoulos. We are always here for you.
And being certified with the international scheme "CoVid-Shield" by TÜV AUSTRIA.

15/07/2020 6 Awards at the RetailBusiness Awards 2020 for AB Vassilopoulos!

We are "golden". We are "silver". But we are also "bronze"

AB Vassilopoulos attained 6 distinctions at the RetailBusiness Awards 2020, the big celebration for Retail Businesses and Industries, which took place on July 13th at the new Drive-in that operates in Glyfada!
3 GOLD distictions attained in the category OMNI RETAILER - SUPER MARKET for the chain’s strong presence both in the online world and in the physical stores, in the category of RETAIL LOYALTY / REWARD CARDS & PROGRAMS for the loyalty program "AB Plus" and in the category CSR RETAIL STRATEGY for the "Smart Farming Program".
2 SILVER distinctions in the categories of the RETAIL CAMPAIGN for the communication of "AB VASSILOPOULOS: 80 years dedicated to you" and in the category of the SOCIAL MEDIA RETAIL STRATEGY for the #allazoumesinithies nomination.
1 BRONZE distinction in the category of BEST RETAILERS΄ MOBILE APPS for the "AB EShop App".
These 6 awards reflect the many different ways in which we care for our customers. The many different ways in which we are here for them, we listen to their needs, we meet their requests and we communicate with them.
These 6 awards reflect the great AB team. A team with different and unique people who work with passion, every day, everywhere in order to find new ways to serve you even better. Always with a smile nearby… and from a distance.
A "golden" team. And "silver". But also "bronze". A team that gives its best to make a difference in people's lives.
AB Vassilopoulos. For whatever you want to be.

13/07/2020 Κυκλοφόρησε το νέο καλοκαιρινό ΑΒ Food Stories!

This edition is full of cool recipies 
By buying the magazine, you contribute to a good cause


ΑΒ Food Stories the summer edition is here, at AB stores, with a double “enjoyable” cover page and awaits for us to share our stories. Now that we meet each other again in safety on the terrace or in the garden and the summer creates opportunities for new experiences, ΑΒ Food Stories is a reliable friend for all of us to share smaller or larger pleasures with our beloved ones, inside or outside the house. 

We are making delicious appetizers, organizing Fish BBQ with delightful and nutritious fishes, we impress like mixologists with cool cocktails, we are ending up with home-made parfait and semifreddo, along with AB Food Stories! Discover the tasty secrets of Lemnos island and make a fiesta with Mexican dishes at your home! 

We can read the ΑΒ Food Stories magazine… upside down! In this way, we #allazoumesinithies and we discover the health section. We try a delicious vegan menu while we make our dishes and mood enjoyable with impressive colorful meals. We cook easy and cost-effective meals for every single day, with just 4 ingredients. We convert well-known summer recipes in their lightest and healthier version, without missing out on any tastes. 

The most important, however, is that by buying the magazine at the symbolic price of €0,30, we contribute to a good cause. All revenues generated by the sale of ΑΒ Food Stories are offered to enhance the Prolepsis Institution and local (foundations, NGOs, municipal grocery stores and schools) which help thousands of our fellow human beings. A small amount from each of us, can make the difference!

Discover the new edition of ΑΒ Food Stories at AB stores and “write” about your own summer stories!

10/07/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: The "AB Volunteer Day" 2019 and its 5,000 volunteers are awarded at the Corporate Affairs Excellence Awards 2020

The company was distinguished in the category Internal Communication 
(Internal Communications & Employee Engagement)

5,000 volunteers, 305 AB stores and warehouses.
131 locations, of which 64 beaches and 67 green areas (parks, forests, mountains).
2,023 full garbage bags.
10 tones of recyclable materials and waste, of which 6 tones of plastic.

1 day, the "AB Volunteering Day", which was implemented for the 9th consecutive year, on June 16th, 2019, and was dedicated to the Environment, our broader "home".
1 distinction at the Corporate Affairs Excellence Awards for AB Vassilopoulos for its Internal Communications (Internal Communications & Employee Engagement) of this "big" "Volunteer Day", with the "big" results achieved by the people of AB Vassilopoulos.
At AB Vassilopoulos, we are proud of our people for responding to today`s challenges and caring for everything that is happening around us, and they are the first to set an example for protecting the Environment.
We are happy that all our unique, different people always come together for a good cause, always giving their best and making a difference. For all of us, but also future generations. We are fortunate that our efforts brought tangible, measurable, and timeless results. The distinction that we recently received at the Corporate Affairs Excellence of EEDE (Hellenic Management Association) – in the category Internal Communication "Employee Engagement" – is displayed prominently among them now.
It has been almost a year since the day that 5,000 volunteers from all across Greece, and from every neighborhood, joined forces and celebrated -the now established- "AB Volunteer Day". With the moto we change habbits (#allazoumesinithies), they made their own corporate commitment to reduce the plastic footprint by 50% by 2025 and "took care of our city!".
With the cooperation and valuable support of the Environmental Organization iSea and the Environmental drive Let’s Do it Greece, the “AB Volunteer Day” left 131 locations in our country cleaner and managed to make the Greek map even greener, thanks to our people.
We thank them and dedicate this award to them along with 5,000 thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

08/07/2020 Ready Meals "AB You'll Love"… Italian Edition. Signed by the chef Akis Petretzikis. And you will kiss your fingertips!

 From July 7 we enjoy 7 delicious meals like the Italians
Italians have a specific gesture and expression to show their satisfaction when they enjoy delicious food; they  pinch their fingers and thumb, kiss them with eyes shut, and say: “Mmmmm! Squisito !!!! ” ("Mmmmm! Delicious!").
You will have the same experience in AB stores, but with a Greek… accent! This is the promise of the 7 delicious meals that Akis Petretzikis prepares for us, for the favorite series of ready meals “AB You’ll love” #worldcuisines.
The most famous cuisine in the world from the most famous Greek chef with the unique quality and prices of AB. We will try them all:
• AB Ciabatta with mortadella, mozzarella and grilled vegetables
• AB Focaccia with basil pesto and sun-dried tomatoes
• AB Fusilli with basil pesto - contains a sachet of 10g grated Grana Padano PDO cheese
• AB Penne Arrabbiata - contains a sachet of 10g grated Grana Padano cheese PDO
AB Linguini with meatballs and red sauce - contains a sachet of 10g grated Grana Padano PDO cheese
• AB Porkette with baked potatoes
• AB Risotto of mushrooms with truffle
Combine your favorite meal with a cool Negroni or an Italian beer and go on a complete Italian culinary journey! 
"AB You'll love" ready meals, Italian Edition, signed by Akis Petretzikis. From July 7 and for a limited time in the AB stores.

03/07/2020AB Vassilopoulos & AWG An exclusive collaboration that brings top-shelf wines from small Greek wineries, for great pleasure!

Greece is a small country but hides great beauty, moderation, and harmony. In its “small” places, you can discover great revelations, which capture the senses. Thanks to the small Greek, family wineries, that make "big" wines, wine has a prominent place among these surprises!
AB Vassilopoulos through its two-year exclusive collaboration – for the time being – with the Artisanal Wineries of Greece (AWG), brings small treasures of Greek wine to our table. AWG connects 50 small, family, and private wineries from throughout the country. Already, in selected AB stores, we can find rare and unique quality wines from 13 small wineries, which by September will become at least 20. Wines from Halkidiki, Amyntaio, Florina, Larissa, Evia, Kefalonia, Kavala, Corinth, Naoussa, Thessaloniki, Nemea, Zakynthos, and Drama.
"For years now, all of us at AB Vassilopoulos have been actively supporting small Producers in every corner of Greece. Especially during this difficult time for small businesses, we are happy for our new collaboration with the Artisanal Wineries of Greece and its winemakers, as we share with them the same passion for the exquisite flavors and scents of wines from our land. We invite you to this great journey of enology, to share with us the passion and love for grapes and wine, in an authentic depiction of the Greek land", says Vassilis Stavrou, President & CEO of AB Vassilopoulos.
The small winemakers of AWG "hide" in their bottles the secrets of Greek nature and invite us to enjoy their creations. They use the most special grape varieties, both local and international, to produce fine wines: Assyrtiko, Xinomavro, Vradiano, Krasato, Moschatella, Chardonnay, Mavrodafni, Tsaousi, Roditis, Limniona, Malaloto, Stalagouti, Malagoucidi, Malastou Sauvignon Blanc.
An entire story of small wineries in Greece is waiting for us to "unfold" in AB stores.

01/07/2020 ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος: CRI: Διπλή (επι)βράβευση της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος!

 Αργυρό βραβείο για την Εταιρική Κοινωνική Ευθύνη & 
Τιμητικός Έπαινος στις δράσεις «για τον Άνθρωπο»

Ένα αργυρό βραβείο για τη συνέπεια και τις επιδόσεις μας στην εφαρμογή πρακτικών Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας για το 2019. Ένας Τιμητικός Έπαινος, ο μοναδικός, για την πολύτιμη προσφορά μας με όλα τα προγράμματα και δράσεις μας για τον Άνθρωπο.
Και μια μεγάλη χαρά γιατί η πρώτη συμμετοχή της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος στο CRI (Corporate Responsibility Index), κορυφαίο παγκοσμίως εργαλείο αντικειμενικής αξιολόγησης των επιδόσεων σε θέματα Εταιρικής Κοινωνικής Ευθύνης, ανέδειξε και επιβράβευσε το υψηλό αίσθημα Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας, που διακατέχει καθετί που κάνουμε, κάθε μέρα.
Μέσα από μια δύσκολη αλλά πολύ αξιόπιστη διαδικασία, αξιολογήθηκαν οι πολιτικές μας σε όλα τα εργασιακά θέματα όπως προγράμματα ασφάλειας, Υγείας, καθώς και η δίκαιη διαχείριση μεταξύ όλων των εργαζομένων μας. Αξιολογήθηκαν οι επιδόσεις μας σε σχέση με τους πελάτες και τους προμηθευτές μας, αλλά και θέματα που αφορούν στην υπευθυνότητα και την ποιότητα. Αξιολογήθηκε η δέσμευσή μας για μείωση πλαστικού και σπατάλης τροφίμων κατά 50% μέχρι το 2025, αλλά και οι ενέργειές μας για τον περιορισμό του διοξειδίου του άνθρακα και οι πρακτικές μας απέναντι στην κλιματική αλλαγή. Αξιολογήθηκε, και η δέσμευσή μας απέναντι στην κοινωνία, η οποία είναι, άλλωστε, η βάση και ο σκοπός της δραστηριότητάς μας. 
Εκεί χτυπάει η καρδιά μας, μέσα από τα καταστήματά μας που δηλώνουν καθημερινά το παρών σε κάθε γειτονιά της Ελλάδας. Εκεί όπου με πολλούς γνωριζόμαστε με τα μικρά μας ονόματα, και σε όλους οφείλουμε μια πρόθυμη εξυπηρέτηση, με ένα χαμόγελο. Γνωρίζουμε, όμως, ότι υπάρχει και ένα μέρος της κοινωνίας που για πολλούς λόγους δυσκολεύεται να φθάσει στα καταστήματά μας. Και για αυτούς, είμαστε εκεί, με απόλυτη προτεραιότητα σε θέματα Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας. Είμαστε χαρούμενοι που η δέσμευσή μας για τη βελτίωση της καθημερινότητάς τους αναγνωρίζεται πλέον και από το Ινστιτούτο Εταιρικής Ευθύνης (Corporate Responsibility Institute), αποκλειστικό αντιπρόσωπο στην Ελλάδα του δείκτη Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας (Corporate Responsibility Index, CR Index) του βρετανικού Ινστιτούτου διεθνούς αναφοράς “Business in the Community”.
Γιατί στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, είμαστε εδώ για να κάνουμε τη διαφορά στις ζωές των ανθρώπων, αλλά, πάνω από όλα, για να δίνουμε τον καλύτερό μας εαυτό για όλα όσα έχουν «αξία» για σένα. 
Λίγα λόγια για το κοινωνικό αποτύπωμα της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος 
Το 2019 προσφέραμε μέσα από τα προγράμματά μας δωρεές αξίας €3,1 εκατ. Με τη συμβολή των ανθρώπων μας και των πελατών μας ενισχύσαμε 250 φορείς που στηρίζουν συνολικά 123.000 συνανθρώπους μας. Με τα προγράμματά μας αποδεικνύουμε στην πράξη ότι η Εταιρική Υπευθυνότητα αποτυπώνεται σε κάθε βήμα μας. Αποτελεί ζωτικό κομμάτι της ιστορίας, του παρόντος και του μέλλοντος του brand μας.
- Μέσα από το πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ προσφέραμε πάνω από 200.000 υγιεινά γεύματα σε μαθητές σχολείων.
- Τα ΤΡΟΦΙΜΑ ΑΓΑΠΗΣ γέμισαν το «τραπέζι» τοπικών φορέων με 868.000 γεύματα αξίας 2,6 εκατ. ευρώ.
- Τα καταστήματά μας με τη Συγκέντρωση Τροφίμων είναι εκεί για τοπικά ιδρύματα και φορείς.
- Με τα προϊόντα καλού σκοπού και τα κουπόνια αλληλεγγύης προσφέραμε 30.433 ευρώ που αντιστοιχούν σε 10.144 γεύματα για την  ενίσχυση των τοπικών φορέων.
- Με τα προγράμματα στήριξης των Ελλήνων παραγωγών -το 90% των προμηθευτών μας- ενισχύουμε των πρωτογενή τομέα και τις τοπικές οικονομίες.
Σχετικά με την ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος 
Στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος έχουμε επάξια κατακτήσει μια θέση στο τραπέζι κάθε ελληνικού νοικοκυριού, μέσα από την αδιαπραγμάτευτη ποιότητά μας, τη μοναδική μας εξυπηρέτηση και την ξεχωριστή ποικιλία μας. Με οδηγό το σκοπό μας να δίνουμε τον καλύτερό μας εαυτό για να κάνουμε τη διαφορά στις ζωές των ανθρώπων, είμαστε πάντα δίπλα στους 2,2 εκατομμύρια πελάτες μας με θάρρος, ακεραιότητα, ομαδικότητα, φροντίδα και χιούμορ. Πάντα δίπλα σε κάθε γειτονιά της Ελλάδας, εκεί όπου χτυπάει η καρδιά μας μέσα από το δίκτυό μας που ξεπερνάει τα 500 καταστήματα σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Εκεί όπου οι άνθρωποί μας γίνονται οι δικοί σας άνθρωποι, έτοιμοι να σας εξυπηρετήσουν με χαρά και μεράκι και να προσφέρουν μια μοναδική αγοραστική εμπειρία σε όλους και σε καθέναν ξεχωριστά.

24/06/2020 The World of AB Vassilopoulos Franchise "writes" its own story. The 200th AB Franchise store is here!

The vibrant franchise network of AB Vassilopoulos is constantly being expanded and reaches every neighborhood in Greece to serve everyone’s daily grocery needs. Thus, on June 16, the new AB Shop & Go has arrived in Kavala area, marking the 200th AB Franchise store.
With 180 sq.m. market space on one level, two cash registers, and a complete team of five experienced professionals, the new AB Shop & Go at 23 Gravias Str., is the ideal choice for easy and fast shopping. You can visit the new store for high-quality products, high-level service, and unique shopping experience with the AB Vassilopoulos’s signature.
In an era of high demands and major challenges, AB steadily strengthens the Greek entrepreneurship by providing growth opportunities to local communities. At the same time, for all those young entrepreneurs who search for new paths to success and wish to "write" their own success story with a reliable partner who makes a difference, AB, with its contemporary Franchise network, guarantees to make their dreams come true.
AB Vassilopoulos. For whatever you want to be! And it's nice to "write" history!
AB Vassilopoulos now lists 200 AB Franchise stores throughout Greece, of which 79 are AB Food Market, 52 are AB Shop & Go, and 69 are Shop & Go that are housed at petrol stations in collaboration with Coral/Shell.
For more information please visit

11/06/2020 Greek tastes that shine globally can be found exclusively at AB!

Six products from Greek producers, part of the product series ‘AB close to the Greek land’ and ‘AB Choice,’ stood out in this year’s International Taste Institute Awards.
 We are packed with stars! Stars that shine globally with significant value, reflecting the superior taste of the authentic Greek products, which we ensure you can find every day on the shelves in all our stores. These stars make us feel proud of our choices, our support to Greek producers, and for promoting the ‘delicious’ tradition of our country.
Six of these products – four from the series "AB near the Greek land" and two from the series "AB Choice" – now "shine" even brighter, as they returned home with a total of seven Gold Stars for Superior Taste Awards from the renowned international competition of the International Taste Institute (ITI) 2020.

These products are: 
‘AB Choice’ Kranios, Superior Taste Award with two Stars! This extremely tasty fish, with a fluffy and tender fish, is a rich source of minerals, vitamin D, and fatty acids that our body cannot synthesize on its own. 
‘AB Choice’ Chicken from the farms "Margarita" in Ioannina, Superior Taste Award with a Star. The chickens grow up in the mountainous region of Ioannina with 100% plant-based foods, 65% of which is corn, which gives it this superior taste.
‘AB close to the Greek land’ Kythera oil rusk, Superior Taste Award with a Star. This product is ideal for every moment; it is made with Kythera olive oil and the traditional recipe of the island.
'AB close to the Greek land' barley rusk from the stone mill ‘Asi Gonia’ in Crete, Superior Taste Award with one Star. It comes from one of the most mountainous villages of Crete and is made like the old days, with wholemeal barley flour grounded in a traditional stone mill with excellent virgin olive oil and yeast.
‘AB close to the Greek land’ Chilopitaki (Greek egg Noodles) from Corinth, Superior Taste Award with one Star. Famous for its excellent taste, it is traditionally made from semolina, fresh eggs, and fresh pasteurized cow's milk. 
‘AB close to the Greek land’ sweet tarhana from Lamia, Superior Taste Award with a Star. It is made the Fthiotida’s traditional way, from durum wheat and fresh pasteurized sheep's milk, and it is renowned for its wonderful taste.
Enjoy the award-winning Greek products that you will find in all AB stores, along with many more choices, which stand out for their quality and taste.
AB Vassilopoulos. For whatever you want to be!
And it's nice to have your favorite products filled with "stars"!
For more information please visit

09/06/2020 PPC and AB VASILOPOULOS signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

In the context of expanding its activities in providing its electric mobility services, PPC SA announces that it has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with AB VASILOPOULOS.

According to the MoC, the two parties will explore the possibility of identifying and placing charging points in AB Vassilopoulos’s stores nationwide. These points will be used by customers/drivers for parking and charging their electric vehicles. The two organizations will join forces to promote electromobility services to customers/consumers, who wish to drive a "clean" and environmentally friendly vehicle. This cooperation between the two parties may result in even more joint actions.
 At the signing of the agreement, the President and CEO of PPC, Mr. George Stassis, stated: 

‘Today, PPC takes an important step to expand its activities in the field of electric vehicles. We have already included in our planning the installation of 1,000 charging points, nationwide, in the next 2-3 years and 10,000 charging points in the medium term. At the same time, we are considering strategic partnerships so that PPC can play a leading and decisive role in the development of the charging network in the coming years, which is vital for the widespread use of electric vehicles. Our goal is to create the largest network of charging points all over Greece. Working toward that end, we signed today a Memorandum of Cooperation with AB Vassilopoulos, with a clear focus on identifying the appropriate charging points, creating together products and services, and promoting electric vehicles in our country. Electricity is a significant challenge, but also a great opportunity for PPC, for the country, for the environment, and society.
The President and CEO of AB VASILOPOULOS Mr. Vassilis Stavrou stated: 

‘Together, with PPC, we are the first to respond to the national electrification plan, and we aspire to develop a strategic partnership by designing joint solutions that are more environmentally friendly and greener. Thus, today, we are creating the store of the future; we are changing our habits, and we are putting forward a long-term and ambitious plan that concerns the provision of electromobility services to the AB Vassilopoulos customers.

03/06/2020 Now, you can have the legendary Mexican tastes in your house

By Akis Petretzikis and with the AB Vassilopoulos quality guarantee 
How about chimichanga with minced meat? About chili con carne with rice? Or maybe you prefer pork with pineapple and rice or beef fajitas? How would you feel about a meal of chicken quesadilla or enchiladas? Most likely you would scream: 'Que Sabrosa Comida Mexicana!' What amazing Mexican food that is! 
Mexican cuisine has a "spicy" temperament; it is delicious and colorful, has intensity and many loyal friends. And these are just some of the reasons why Mexican cuisine is loved by so many. Since, now, traveling to faraway Mexico to enjoy the food is even more difficult, we bring it to you! With the new Ready Meals 'AB You'll love,' signed by your favorite chef Akis Petretzikis, you transform your home into a Mexican restaurant.
AB Vassilopoulos continues to respond to the latest trends that demand delicious, convenient, and quality solutions for every moment and enriches its variety with new tastes, through AB You’ll Love #Worldcuisines. We start with six new Mexican dishes, with Akis Petretzikis’s taste guarantee and the quality guarantee that only AB can offer. Try them and travel to the Aztec country through the taste of:
Chimichanga with minced meat (contains sour cream)
Chili con carne with basmati rice
Pork with pineapple and rice
Fajitas with beef and vegetables
Quesadillas with chicken and vegetables (contains sour cream)
Enchiladas with chicken (contains sour cream)
From June 1, you can find the new Mexican tastes AB You’ll Love in all AB stores and AB E-shop, for a limited time. You can learn more about them here
Feliz Verano! (Have a Great Summer!)
AB Vassilopoulos | For whatever you want to be!

01/06/2020 From the Greek land, on the top of the world!

In the renowned Monde Selection Awards 2020, AB Vassilopoloulos received two prestigious international awards for its fresh milk ‘AB Close to the Greek Land’
Small Farms, Great Milk! The fresh milk ‘AB Close to the Greek Land’ received two major awards at the internationally renowned Monde Selection Awards 2020!
Your favorite milk, which comes from small farms in Thessaly, and you can exclusively find it at AB stores, stood out for its excellent quality in the independent awards of the international institution based in Brussels.
The milk ‘returned’ home proudly with:
• A Gold Quality Award for the 3.7% fat fresh milk (full)
• A Silver Quality Award for the 1.5% fat fresh milk (light)

Thessaly is a place with pastures with rich vegetation and a longstanding tradition in animal husbandry. It is also well-known for the high quality and taste of the milk produced there. Now, thanks to the fresh milk ‘AB Close to the Greek Land’, Thessaly’s reputation is traveling beyond our borders.
At AB Vassilopoulos, we are honored to see that during a demanding period, our choice to support Greek producers and to offer you quality and fine Greek products, is rewarded and recognized internationally.
AB Vassilopoulos. For whatever you want to be. And it is nice to be among those who choose and enjoy the quality and carefully chosen products of our homeland!

22/5/2020 Milk "Who's the Boss? - The Consumer's Brand" for the first time in Greece in AB stores

In this difficult period, we are going through, at AB Vassilopoulos, we stand by the Greek producers and support first in Greece the innovative cooperative initiative “Who is the Boss? – The Brand of The Consumer". From May 21st 2020, you can find in the fridges of our stores, 2 new codes, full and light milk of exceptional quality of this innovative project, which promotes sustainable consumption, while at the same time, showcasing the primary sector of the country.
The "Who's the Boss? - The Consumer Brand “is a social and collective initiative, in which consumers become the "protagonists" and participate in the journey of a product, from production to the shelf. How? They decide with transparency, respect, and reliability what they want to consume, at what price and how it is distributed to those who care so that the product reaches their table, with priority given to the adequate reward to the producer.
 Thus, the milk, available in AB stores, was produced according to the specifications set by the majority of consumers who participated in the online voting  through the  interactive platform
The aim of the project is to contribute to the support of the producers of our country, to the development of the agri-food sector and the Greek economy, to the creation of new jobs with high standards of quality, sustainability and well-being. And while the kickoff was with milk, olive oil, feta cheese, honey, flour and what consumers still decide will follow.
As part of the initiative, its Co-founder and Coordinator, Lambis Kotsou,stated:  "We are very proud that Greece is the 4th country that develops this model, after France, Belgium and Spain. Ordinary people, consumers, are actively participating in this original initiative. AB Vassilopoulos, from the beginning, supported us both with its know-how and with its care, contributing as our most important partner to a fairer, more sustainable and intelligent consumption. Thus, the first product that we created the consumers, milk, is now in the refrigerators of AB Vassilopoulos and we look forward to moving forward with the other products".
SVP Buying at AB Vassilopoulos, Director of Sales,  Dimitris Prinzios, stated:  "From the very beginning, we have completely identified with this new and pioneering - for the country - initiative, as it is linked to our strategy and values to support greek primary production and Greek producers over time. At the same time, we "listen" to our customers and bring to their table choices of Greek products, with the same always high quality and affordable price. The "Who's the boss" initiative? - The Consumer's Brand" is another practical proof of the care we show for the selected products of the Greek land. And a way to make a difference in the lives of dozens of milk-producing families, so that they can survive, to evolve with them other branches of the Agriculture sector and beyond."

14/05/2020 We are participating in WIND’s initiative "Stay Home – We'll bring you the groceries",with care for high-risk groups

For us, at AB Vassilopoulos, "Stay Safe" means staying firmly next to you and continuing to take care of you in every possible way. Especially for those belonging to the high-risk group (older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions) but also for single parent families, our care and attention never stops.
That's why we're participating in WIND’s “Stay Home – We'll bring you the groceries" initiative, which brings essentials to your home, with no transport costs for you, and thus significantly reduces the likelihood of you being exposed to danger. What do you have to do?
If you are a resident of the Municipalities of Athens, Nikaia, Kallithea, Nea Smyrni, Korydallos, Peristeri and Egaleo, you can call between 07:00– 11:00 in the morning at the call center of the taxi company "Kosmos" (210-5201300 or 18300) and provide the code 180 and the your address. As soon as possible, a taxi driver will arrive at your door, pick up the shopping list and the cash equivalent . He will then go to the nearest AB store, where with priority at the entrance and with responsibility to adhere to all the safety measures, during the purchases, he will collect the products of your order and deliver them to you on same day, and at latest until 16:00.
In this way, WIND and AB make sure that high-risk  “stay safe” and “remain home”, even the next day.
For more information, you can visit the official AB Vassilopoulos` website: 

12/05/2020 AB Eshop “arrives” in more cities in Greece

At AB Vassilopoulos, we make sure to enable even more of our customers, all over the country, to make their purchases online through the AB Eshop.
After Attica and Thessaloniki,  AB Eshop,  AB's online store, arrived in the cities of  Patra, Larissa, Heraklion, Kalamata and Ioannina. If you want to make your purachses easily and quickly, with the comfort and saftey of your own home and with delivery to your place on the day and time that best suits you, start your online shopping now.
AB Eshop offers a wide variety of 9,000 products and collects 1,000 offers, every day, for a greater economy. With €40 minimum order and free shipping, your online  shopping is only "a few clicks away" from your door, on the day and time of delivery you want, from Monday to Saturday and from 11:30 to 21:30. 
Get to know the world of AB Eshop,  in 5 simple steps:  
1. Through postcode verification, confirm that you can be assisted
2. Register or Sign in to your online account
3. Add products to your online shopping cart
4. Set delivery day and time
5. Complete your online order with payment methods being either cash or card upon delivery or online card payment
At AB Vassilopoulos, we never stop to look for constant ways to be near our customers in even more cities all over Greece and make sure that they enjoy the benefits of AB Eshop.
For more information, click here.

06/05/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: 5 Awards at the Loyalty Awards 2020 for AB Plus, our relationship of trust

At AB Vassilopoulos, your trust is our biggest reward. That is why, with the AB Plus loyalty program, we make sure to build relationships of trust with our customers, relationships that "endure" over time and remain timeless and up-to-date. And we are very proud that this relationship, our relationship, won 5 awards at the Loyalty Awards 2020.
In a very demanding competition, where this year, more than any other year loyalty schemes were submitted, our distinctions with AB Plus are:
GOLD Award, for the AB Plus loyalty as a value that is constantly evolving, in the “Best in Loyalty & Engagement” unit and the “Food Retail” category
GOLD Award for the best use of Brand Advocates & Influencers for the new service "Personal Offers AB Plus"
SILVER Award for the project “At AB, every visit counts” in the category “Best Direct Marketing Campaign” 
SILVER  Award for the “Best Use of Digital Onboarding”, within which each customer can explore the new digital world of AB Plus
SILVER Award for the Loyalty & Personalization team of ΑΒ in the category “Best In-house Loyalty Team”
For all of us at AB Vassilopoulos the biggest prize remains your smile, the sense of security of all, that you did not miss and do not miss anything, this unpretentious "thank you", that we exchange between us.
But we are also very happy about the institutional recognition of our effort to become more and more efficient, increasingly innovative, faithful to your service, with benefits for each and every one individually. And we share these awards with you.
AB Vassilopoulos. For what you want to be. And it is worth being loyal.

30/04/2020 At AB Vassilopoulos, we take care of the small businesses that operate within our stores 

With zero collection of April rent
At a time of significant challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises, at AB Vassilopoulos, we create the necessary conditions for a return to a "new normality”, with new social and economic implications.
In this context, we actively support the small businesses that operate within our stores (shops in a shop) that have been affected by the necessary measures to deal with the spread of coronavirus. Specifically, the  zero collection of the April 2020 rent is our "act of care" to facilitate the liquidity and the smoother integration of our partners in the market, following the of the current legislation for their partial exemption from the obligation to pay rent by 40% for the months of March and April 2020.
Because at AB, we take care of our partners and for the "next day"!!

AB Vassilopoulos supports the Hellenic Police with 200,000 masks

AB Vassilopoulos takes care of those who take care of us and are at the forefront in tackling the pandemic, such as the Hellenic Police, which during this critical time is playing a key role in protecting public health.

Within this context, the company offers 200,000 masks to the Hellenic Police through the International Police Association’s Local Administration of Athens and Attica. The specific donation, which is implemented within the context of the 500,000 euros donation to Municipalities, NGO’s and Organizations, has already been initiated, as the first 100,000 masks were delivered on Wednesday (April 15), through the International Police Association.
On the occasion of the donation of the 200,000 masks, the President of the Local Administration of Athens and Attica of the International Police Association, Mr. Vlasios Valatsos, stated: “We warmly thank AB Vassilopoulos for this important donation, which actively contributes to the protection of police officers who give their own fight every day. The recognition of the Greek Police’s work and our continuous effort to face the pandemic, give us the strength to continue ".
The President and CEO of AB Vassilopoulos, Vassilis Stavrou, stated regarding the donation: “We actively express our support to the Greek Police, which from the very first moment gives its own daily fight for the protection of public health and the observance of the protective measures established by the State. These people risk their lives every day to protect all of us. At AB Vassilopoulos, it remains our priority to take care of those who take care of us and we are committed to proceed with donations to those who are in need”.

15/04/2020 New Service AB Collect. Shop online and pick up from AB stores

Want to have more choices in the way you shop? Now, you can  shop  online  through AB  Eshop, from the comfort and security of your home,  and pick up your items from an AB store, located near you, at your time of convenience. 

The new AB Collect service is here and gives you this option, in 5 simple steps.
1. Make your purchases with just a click at AB Eshop  and choose the Collect service option, if you wish to pick up your items from an AB store where the new service is available.
2. Then enter your  ZIP Code or region to select the nearest available store to you, as well as the desired day and time of collection, from Monday to Saturday, in the hours: 10:00-12:00, 12:00-14:00, 14:00-16:00, 16:00-18:00 & 18:00-20:00. Before completing your online order, select “Payment upon receipt”.
3. Your online order is prepared by the people of AB, following all the hygiene and safety rules. 
4. On the day and time, you have chosen, call the phone number sent to you at the completion of your online order, 15 minutes prior to your arrival at the AB store.
5. You can pay by card or cash at pick-up, in the specifically designed area outside the AB store..
At AB Vassilopoulos we are constantly adapting to the new conditions. We develop new services to give you more possibilities and choices, quickly, easily and in the time that serves you!
The new AB Collect service is already available at the following AB stores within Attica, with the list constantly expanding.
Ag. DIMITRIOS 3 (Patmou) | Patmou & Tzavella, P.C. 17342
ALIMOS | Leoforo, P.C. 17455
WEIGHTS | L. Varis, Kerkyras & Kekropos, P.C. 16672
VYRONAS 1 | Karaoli Dimitriou 34, P.C. 16233
GLYFADA 2 | Lazaraki 59, P.C. 16674
ERITREA | Kifisias 326, P.C. 14671
MELISSIA | Kalamvoki 2 & Dimokratias, P.C. 15127
NEO IRAKLEIO | L. Kimis & Skoufa, P.C. 14122
STOP A. | L. Drosias - Stamatas 31A, P.C. 14575
FILOTHEI | Kifisias & Kapodistriou, P.C. 15123
CHALANDRI 2 | Lesvou 5-7 & Andrianiou, Kato Chalandri, P.C. 15231

08/04/2020 AB Vassilopoulos supports Municipalities with the "Help at Home" Program and Institutions throughout Greece

A new 500,000 euros “We take care of those who need it the most”

After the equipment and software system 494,000 euros donation for ICU, to the Ministry of Health, AB Vassilopoulos undertakes the initiative to take care of those who need us the most, expanding its support to Municipalities through the "Help at Home" Program, under the auspices of the Central Union of Greek Municipalities, but also to Institutions throughout the country that are called to meet increased needs especially at this time. The total cost of the new donation to Municipalities, NGOs and Public Benefit Organizations is 500,000 euros
Starting with the "Help at Home" Program and the largest municipality in the country, the Municipality of Athens, AB Vassilopoulos will cover the costs of transporting 16,000 packages of food and basic necessities, as well as the costs of 11,500 routes to meet citizens` demands, for the next 3 months. This is an action that supports the Municipality of Athens program "Help at Home Plus" and is addressed to the elderly, people with underlying diseases, families  in need, citizens who are alone, those who face the greatest risk from the pandemic. The program offers counseling and psychological support, nursing care, family assistance, and is enhanced by the provision of basic goods at home, such as medicines, food and personal hygiene items.

On the occasion of the announcement for the support to Municipalities throughout the country through the Program "Help at Home", the President of the Central Union of Greek Municipalities, Mayor of Trikaia, Mr. Dimitris Papastergiou stated: “AB Vassilopoulos' initiative proves that the contribution of businesses, in this difficult period - for all of us - is more than important. It is crucial for the outcome of the battle we are fighting every day in our Municipalities. Protecting the most vulnerable parts of our communities from the threat of pandemic consists a great challenge, which we have a duty to tackle quickly and effectively, creating a great alliance of solidarity. On behalf of all the members of KEDE, I would like to thank AB Vassilopoulos once again” .

07/04/2020 AB Easter Eggs: We make a difference together supporting the Ark of the World

This Easter, some things may be different. However, other things remain the same, such as standing by those who need it. Within this context, the AB Easter Eggs could change the lives of the Ark of the World’s children, as, this year, by purchasing an AB Easter Egg, you also support the Organization with € 0.30.
We are doubling the total amount collected, so that all of us will be able to contribute to the creation of an Agricultural School in Volos and the Pogodiani of Ioannina. At AB Vassilopoulos, we believe that together we can make a difference in the lives of children who need us, today, more than ever.
This Easter, some things may be different. However, other things remain the same, such as standing by those who need it. Within this context, the AB Easter Eggs could change the lives of the Ark of the World’s children, as, this year, by purchasing an AB Easter Egg, you also support the Organization with € 0.30.

We are doubling the total amount collected, so that all of us will be able to contribute to the creation of an Agricultural School in Volos and the Pogodiani of Ioannina. At AB Vassilopoulos, we believe that together we can make a difference in the lives of children who need us, today, more than ever.

03/04/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Donation of new generation equipment and internationally innovative software, to support over 30 ICU Beds

The total cost of the donation is 494,000 euros and covers critical equipment needs for Intensive Care Units

The donation includes equipment that utilizes AI technologies, as well as a standard data management system, which will be one of the first to be installed in Public Hospitals
With deep sense of responsibility and care towards Greek society and with the aim of contributing to the arming of public hospitals, AB Vassilopoulos proceeds to donate to the Ministry of Health a new generation equipment  "package" that can holistically support over 30 ICU beds and dozens of patients whose lives are at risk. The total cost of the equipment, which utilizes specifically Artificial Intelligence technology is 494.000 euros.
More specifically, the donation includes:

•30 High-tech Monitors for ICU
•3 central management/monitoring stations
•1 New generation digital portable radiology machine with artificial intelligence
•2 state-of-the-art portable ultrasound systems
•10 New Generation Cardiographs
•Heart data interface and management software
As part of the donation, AB Vassilopoulos President and CEO Vassilis Stavrou stated: "We are in the midst of a "battle”, from which no one can be missing. To win it, we all have a duty, and first, the companies, to join forces and stand by the state. At AB Vassilopoulos, we proceed to donate equipment, which will strengthen the National Health System, and which can prove to be crucial for the lives of dozens of our fellow citizens. We take care of the Greek community and our country because we owe it. Today, more than ever”
With the innovative software system, which will be one of the first to be installed in Greece, intensive care units will gain innovative capabilities, since they will be able to digitally collect and analyze cardiological data,  and monitor their development daily. In this way, they will significantly accelerate the study and scientific decisions regarding patients who are in a serious and critical condition.
The donation comes to upgrade both qualitatively and quantitatively, the National Health System, at an extremely critical time for Public Health.

01/04/2020 AB Vassilopoulos:Announcement

AB Vassilopoulos: More than 3 million euros for the 13,575 employees of our stores & warehouses, our own heroes

With a feeling of deep gratitude, we take care of our people, who are on the "front line" all over Greece, giving their best, with soul, strength, teamwork, care, and zeal.
"All of you deserve a big thank you, for the titanic effort you make, so that nothing is missing from greek households! But also, a reward that comes self-evidently for everything you offer." 
In this way, the President & CEO of AB Vassilopoulos, Vassilis Stavrou, announced that "For all 13,575 employees, in the shops and warehouses – our own heroes, we will allocate more than 3 million euros to the project. This is a sign of reward and recognition for the daily dedication to our customers." 
At this critical national moment, all employees of the "AB’s" Family are fighting a great "battle" so that all our fellow citizens can feel safe and find everything they need in AB stores. In every neighborhood. For every family.

31/03/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Announcement

At AB Vassilopoulos, we take care everyone we love
In these unprecedented moments, at AB Vassilopoulos we take care of our beloved ones, our 2.5 million customers by taking actions to prevent spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
More specifically, we apply electronic recording for our incoming and outgoing customers in 282 AB stores, in order to make sure that there is only one person in every 15 sqm and to avoid any physical contact between our customers. Taking care of the sensitive groups, prioritization which was implemented from the very first moment for people over 65s, disabled, pregnant women, nursing staff and police officers, is still active.
In addition, we enhance further the security of transactions at the counters, by placing protective plexiglass in every store of our network. In this way, we are still "all together", even if we keep distance!
At AB Vassilopoulos, we give our best to take care of our customers who trust us on a daily basis, and who need us more than ever during this period of time in order to feel safe and to be able to find everything they need. In each neighborhood. For every family. For our fellow citizens.

30/03/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Announcement

The service for "home delivery" in AB has been strengthened 
New collaboration with SPEEDEX
At AB Vassilopoulos, the care for our customers as well as their quick and proper service, is our priority.Daily. 

In this context, we have launched a new partnership with SPEEDEX, strengthening the "home delivery" service for the purchases you make from the store. The enhanced service for "home delivery" begins today and will be implemented in 129 AB stores in Attica.
At AB Vassilopoulos, the care for our customers as well as their quick and proper service, is our priority.Daily. 
In this context, we have launched a new partnership with SPEEDEX, strengthening the "home delivery" service for the purchases you make from the store. The enhanced service for "home delivery" begins today and will be implemented in 129 AB stores in Attica.

17/03/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: Announcement

Lines and entrance cards at AB Vassilopoulos stores
to protect all of us
In view of the safety of both our employees and customers who visit our stores and in full compliance with the instructions of the Competent Authorities, we have taken additional protection measures.
More specifically, we gradually place delination stripes in all stores in order to maintain a safety distance of at least two meters between customers within each store. The stripes concern both the checkout counters and service points, such as the meat department, the fish department, as well as the cold cuts and cheese departments.
At the same time, in order not to experience overcrowding and congestion, we have implemented the directive, which provides for a certain number of customers to stay in the shop at the same time (1 person per 10 sq.m.). For each customer, we issue a numbered entry card that will be returned when they leave the store.
It is noted that the strongest armor for our health is the responsible stance of all of us. It is important that we adhere to the instructions of the State and cooperate with the employees of each store, always bearing in mind that they work with the aim of serving and protecting us.

03/03/2020 "Για ό,τι θέλεις να είσαι"

 "Για ό,τι θέλεις να είσαι"
Η νέα επικοινωνία της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος είναι εδώ για κάθε (εσ)ένα ξεχωριστά

Για σένα που είσαι της υγιεινής διατροφής, αλλά θα κλάψεις με την αγαπημένη σου σειρά πάνω από ένα μπολ “υγιεινό” παγωτό.
Για σένα, νέα και εκκεντρική, που αγαπάς τις παραδοσιακές συνταγές της μαμάς και νοσταλγείς εκείνες του παππού σου.
Για σένα, φανατική της γιόγκα, που βλέπεις τον κόσμο “ανάποδα” και “ισιώνεις" με ένα vegan πιάτο.
Αλλά και για σένα, που επιλέγεις τα καλύτερα κρασιά, για τα αγαπημένα σου τυριά.
Σίγουρα και για σένα, που είσαι τσακωμένος με την “τάξη” και ψάχνεις, ψάχνεις … Και για σένα, όμως, που είσαι γενικώς εν τάξει και ειδικώς ψαγμένος. 
Για σένα που παίρνεις αστέρι Μισλέν. Και για σένα, το αστέρι, που χορταίνεις με ένα τοστ. 
Που περνάς ώρα μπροστά από ένα ράφι ή γεμίζεις τα ράφια σου με ένα κλικ. 
Για σένα που επιμένεις Ελληνικά. Αλλά και για σένα, τον πολίτη του κόσμου, κοσμοπολίτη. 
Για σένα που στόμα έχεις και μιλιά δεν έχεις, αλλά έχεις το ψυγείο σου, να λέει πολλά για σένα.
Και για εμάς να λέει τα πάντα.
Γιατί το καλάθι σου είναι σαν το DNA σου. Μοναδικό! Και το ψυγείο σου, ο καθρέφτης του εαυτού σου. 
Τελικά είμαστε όσα επιλέγουμε; Ή τα επιλέγουμε επειδή έτσι είμαστε; Τι σημασία έχει; 

Το σημαντικό είναι να βρίσκεις όλα όσα χρειάζεσαι για να είσαι απλά ο εαυτός σου. 

Για σένα είμαστε εμείς εδώ στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος! Με περισσότερους από 2,5 εκατομμύρια πελάτες, βλέπουμε κάθε (εσ)ένα ξεχωριστά. 

ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος | Για ό,τι θέλεις να είσαι. 
Δείτε το σχετικό video εδώ 
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε εδώ

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος: 
Για επικοινωνία με την εταιρεία: Αλεξία Μαχαίρα, Υπεύθυνη Επικοινωνίας και Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας, τηλ. 210 6608483, & Κατερίνα Χάλκου, Υπεύθυνη Εταιρικής Επικοινωνίας, τηλ. 210 6608775, 

27/02/2020 With our people and our customers, we offer to Society and the Environment 

Four top awards for AB Vasilopoulos
Give your people opportunities to improve. They give their best to the customers. And together we make a difference in people's lives.
At AB Vassilopoulos, we owe a big "thank you" to our 2.5 million customers and our more than 14,000 employees, who daily, work with care to support local communities, the Environment and the ongoing education and training of our people and partners. We acknowledge that every award that we win as a company concering the Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility, is also their reward, just as the 4 awards we were recently awarded.
2 awards in the Category of Sustainable Development at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2020
Gold award in the zero waste section for the "Love Food" Program| In collaboration with two valuable helpers, with the Non-Profit Organization "We Can" and the Food Bank - Foundation for The Fight Against Hunger and Waste,we offer free food items, which are close to their expiration date, to people in need. From 2013, when the program started, we have provided over 3 million meals, with a value above 10 million euros, supporting every year more than 123,000 people from 250 organizations. Today, it is the only food supply program in our country where fresh items are available, as well as maintenance and freezing products, while ready meals are also given.

• Silver award in the recycling section, for the Mobile Centre for Environmental Education and Recycling |  In cooperation with ΤΕΧΑΝ, our enduring ally in matters of recycling, we created in the beginning of 2018 a pioneering two-story bus for Greece and Europe that crosses the whole country. At the Mobile Centre for Environmental Education and Recycling you will find the most modern interactive means, which will help you to know what the recyclable materials are, learn smart ways to recycle in your daily life and understand the importance of recycling for a greener planet. From March 2018 until today over 25,000 children and greeks  have followed the educational program, which is continuing for it’s 3rd year.
Winner in the "Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development" category at the Growth Awards 2020
Our company was awarded a winner "Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development" category at the Development and Competitivness Awards organized for the fourth consecutive year by Eurobank and Grant Thornton. The Growth Awards showcase and reward the greek companies that stood out, combining the high economic preformance with a successful modern business history and contribute to the formation of a new landscape of entrepreneurship and work culture in the country. The evaluation was carried out with  specific analyses of key financial figures and indicators, as well as specific qualitative characteristics, out of a total of approximately 8,000 enterprises.


At AB Vasilopoulos, We invest with commitment in our netwowrk, in order to offer the best in every neighborhood of Greece. We support Greek entrepreneurship and directly and indirectly stimulate employment in local communities through innovative Franchise models bearing the signature of AB Vassiliopoulos. This distinction is a recognition for the AB franchise network that stands out for its top education, infrastructure, staffing and process organization, as well as the means and tools of education and development.
The President and CEO of AB Vassilopoulos, Vassilis Stavrou, stated on the occasion of AB’s distinctions in 4 leading institutions:  "We are very happy for our distinctions in the top business awards. At AB Vassilopoulos, we always operate with care for our customers, our partners, our suppliers and, of course the local communities in which we operate.  And we want through Corporate Responsibility actions to make a positive difference for the People, the Products, and the Environment. For today, but also for tomorrow which entails a responsibility for all of us. That is what we are all here for at AB Vassilipoulos”. 

26/02/2020 Healthy Eating & Environmental Protection are now becoming a game for students with disabilities

AB Vassilopoulos expands its partnership with the Hellenic Children's Museum
We always want the best for our children, in terms of education, culture and sports, the best possible nutrition and, above all, the ability to offer them love, protection and care.
At AB Vassilopoulos, we are close to parents and children, through our collaboration with the Hellenic Children's Museum. Since 2018, more than 15,000 children - visitors of the Hellenic Children’s Museum- have been initiated into the value of healthy and balanced nutrition and environmental culture through the exhibit "Τhe ABC of Balanced Nutrition". This is about a simulation of an AB store, which is a place for experiential education and games for children and parents, but also a destination with important teaching material for educational organizations and schools.
At the same time, through the classic museum kit, a modern three-copy museum educational tool, we have visited schools all over Greece, aiming to change the habits of more than 1,500 students in the region.
Since the beginning of 2020, we have expanded our partnership with two specially designed museum kits:
  • The museum kit for Disabled Students, hosted in Public and Private Structures of Special Education, is aimed at children with moderate to severe mental retardation and is designed to cultivate different skills. The educational activities are adapted to all children, such as children with autism, visual-hearing impairments, restricted mobility and many others. With clear instructions and variations, which are included in the educator’s supporting material, they are directly related to the special educational program. In this way, the educator utilizes the material as he or she deems, so that it best responds to the needs and abilities of the children.
  • The museum kit for Kindergarten Children, so that our little friends discover the origin of basic foods and become aware of balanced nutrition through playing games.
At AB Vassilopoulos, #allazoumesinithies, always with the same love and care for all children.

10/02/2020 Delicata - Chocolate Happiness The chocolate taste of happiness exclusively at AB stores

Delicious Chocolates Delicata come to AB and challenge you!
Enjoy favorite flavors as well as unexpected, explosive combinations you’ ll love.

Chocolate Happiness is Delicata’s “signature”: the signature of a chocolate that since 1926 has been offering delightful moments of happiness to millions of people around the world. Now you can enjoy the Delicata chocolate experience in Greece, exclusively at AB stores!
“Everyday Happiness, Sparkling Happiness, Discover Happiness, Original Happiness”. These are not just messages, but Delicata's 4 collections of “happiness”, which are waiting for you to fall in love with them at selected AB stores and to share different flavors of happiness with you and your beloved ones!
Enjoy and discover the taste of your own chocolate happiness!
Delicata Everyday Happiness | Velvet chocolate for everyday enjoyment in each bite. Favorite flavors you’ ll love while watching an exciting movie on the couch, with a cup of hot coffee or a cup of tea. The true taste of chocolate happiness.
Delicata Sparkling Happiness | A rich, explosive taste for a unique chocolate experience. The most delicious combination of chocolate, nuts, spices and fruits, for all of these moments that your face radiates happiness! Invites you to a cheerful chocolate party.
Delicata Discover Happiness | A challenging flavor that you haven't tasted before. Original combinations of delicious chocolate and unexpected ingredients! For all of those who love surprises, every chocolate matches  an exciting tasting experience. Discover it!
Delicate Original Happiness | Fine, authentic, absolute chocolate. Intense, elegant, spicy or fruity. Each bite travels you to exotic places, where the sun, the earth and the microclimate make each cocoa unique. A wonderful trip to the places where chocolate is born.
Discover Delicata's authentic, rich, velvet, chocolate happiness at AB stores!
Watch the related video here.


 Η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, ακολουθώντας όλες τις απαραίτητες διαδικασίες, όπως εκείνες ορίζονται από την νομοθεσία, προχώρησε στην άμεση και προληπτική απόσυρση του προϊόντος «ΑΒ ΕΛΛ ΓΗ ΤΣΑΙ ΒΟΥΝΟΥ ΒΟΛΟΥ 50ΓΡ» με κωδικό παρτίδας L9314019FKMD, που παράγεται από την εταιρεία ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗ ΜΠΑΧΑΡΙΚΑ Α.Β.Ε.Ε, καθώς ανιχνεύθηκαν υπολείμματα φυτοπροστατευτικών προϊόντων που δεν ανταποκρίνονται στις απαιτήσεις της νομοθεσίας. 
Η εταιρεία, στο πλαίσιο των υποχρεώσεών της απέναντι στην νομοθεσία και σε συμφωνία με τις αρμόδιες κρατικές αρχές, αλλά και με υψηλό αίσθημα ευθύνης απέναντι στους πελάτες της, απέσυρε άμεσα τη συγκεκριμένη παρτίδα από τα ράφια όλων των καταστημάτων του δικτύου της. Επιπλέον, καλεί τους καταναλωτές που ήδη έχουν προμηθευτεί το προϊόν της συγκεκριμένης παρτίδας να μην το καταναλώσουν και εφόσον το επιθυμούν να προσέλθουν στο πλησιέστερο κατάστημα του δικτύου της ΑΒ προκειμένου να ενημερωθούν για τη διαδικασία επιστροφής του.

20/01/2020 ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος: ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ

Σε συνέχεια πρόσφατων δημοσιευμάτων που κάνουν αναφορά σε διενέργεια εκτεταμένου εσωτερικού ελέγχου στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος σε όλες τις λειτουργίες της από την μητρική εταιρεία Ahold Delhaize, η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος διαψεύδει ρητά και κατηγορηματικά τα συγκεκριμένα δημοσιεύματα και τις πληροφορίες που αναφέρουν. 
Με δεδομένο ότι τέτοιου είδους ανυπόστατες αναφορές δημιουργούν εντυπώσεις και πλήττουν τη φήμη της εταιρείας, η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος επιφυλάσσεται επί παντός νόμιμου δικαιώματός της.

29/07/2020 AB Vassilopoulos: At the 5th place in FORTUNE’s “Most Admired Companies in Greece 2020” list

The only supermarket chain that is included in this year's list and which is placed within the TOP20 companies for its corporate reputation, based on survey results, for the 6th consecutive year 
All of us at AB Vassilopoulos, work every day with passion, teamwork, integrity, care and humor. We continuously aim to gain the trust and appreciation of our millions of customers. Because we care about them and we are willing to build life lasting relationships with them. Because their commitment, makes us to give daily our best to make a difference in people's lives.
We are proud, that our company was voted as one of the most admired companies in Greece and it got the 5th place in FORTUNE’s list, as the only supermarket chain in this year's list. At the same time, for the 6th consecutive year, we are among the TOP20 companies regarding corporate reputation, based on survey results.
Particularly this year’s survey, which was carried out in collaboration with KPMG, a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, was of special importance. As the business community proved its sensitivity, solidarity and social empathy during the COVID-19 pandemic, this was something that reflected also the list results. 
“At AB Vassilopoulos, we take care of the Greek society and the whole country, because we owe it. Nowadays, more than ever. We owe it to ourselves to be together at these circumstances and stand by each other. And we will continue to act accordingly, for as long as needed. Because the only way to succeed is to be and remain together” states the President & CEO of AB Vassilopoulos, Vassilis Stavrou. He also adds "This distinction reflects our daily effort to give our best to make a difference in people's lives. Every single day. Even during pandemic, on which the survey was conducted, we got the messages and turned them into solutions for our consumers and the society. Therefore, distinction results by the AB team members. A team of different, unique people, which cares and is always there for everyone”.