AB cookies

AB cookies

Analytics cookies

AB collects information about your website, app and email use for analytical purposes. By doing this AB takes all measures to protect your privacy.

Social media cookies

Some parts of the website and apps use social media cookies. For example, a Google map with interactive directions, a Facebook 'like' button or the possibility to share information such as recipes and videos via social media (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube)

Personalized content based on preferences and interests

We want our websites and apps to be as relevant to you as possible. To this end, we collect information about your visit(s) to our websites and apps in order to understand your interests and preferences. On this basis, we customize the content of our AB websites and apps.

Personalized advertising

We and third parties collect information about your visit(s) to our websites, apps and use of emails to customize communications and advertising on our websites and apps and in emails. This also applies to personalized advertisements that we place on external websites and apps.


1. Allow advertising cookies and social networks cookies
By selecting this field you consent to the use of cookies and social cookies (and similar techniques).
Cookies are small text files that are stored in each user's terminal without receiving any information or knowledge of personal files or documents of the user. Cookies are used solely to facilitate user access to specific products and / or services and for statistical purposes to determine the areas in which AB's products and / or services are popular or for commercial purposes.
The purpose of cookies is to make your visit and purchases in ab.gr simpler and more personalized. Cookies allow AB and third parties to collect information about you and your behavior when browsing the internet outside of our website. This information is used by AB and third parties to tailor ads to your interests and profile. These cookies also allow you to share information over social networks. If you do not make a choice and continue to use ab.gr, we assume you agree.

2. Reject advertising cookies and social networks cookies
By selecting this field, you will receive random ads and you will not be able to share information through social networks.
Save my preferences. (BUTTON "SAVE")
AB policy on cookies
AB uses cookies and other techniques such as JavaScript and Web beacons on the website and its applications. Because we want to protect your privacy and improve the usability of the site and the apps, we believe it's important for you to know how and why we use cookies. Below we try to provide as much information as possible about the use of cookies by AB.
Who is responsible for processing your data?
Alfa-Beta Vassilopoulos S.A, based in Gerakas Attica (81 Spaton Avenue), is responsible for handling the cookies included on this page.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small and simple text files stored on your computer or mobile phone when you use our website or apps.
What other techniques are used?
Standard techniques are the use of Javascript and web beacons, which along with cookies allow the system to gather information (Javascripts), store them in small and simple text files (cookies) and then send them (web beacons).
Cookies and other techniques are used on almost all existing websites and applications. The use of cookies allows for example:
•    Make navigation on AB site and applications more fun and easy for you.
•    Ensure that when you visit our website or apps, we do not always need to enter the same data.
•    Offer you special features such as the online shopping list.
•    Identify how our websites and applications are used and how we can improve them.
•    Show ads we think you'll find interesting.
•    Record the frequency of an ad to better fit your needs and interests to avoid seeing a particular ad very often.
Your choices
Only with the consent mentioned above will we place cookies and will work with other technologies for which the law requires such consent, such as social media, advertising and personalization. You can decide for yourself if you want to accept or reject cookies. You may also revoke your consent to the use of cookies at any time.
If you do not want to receive cookies, you can customize your Internet browser settings to completely block cookies. Some features are disabled, such as online ordering. You can always check the website for information about offers and products. You can also customize your Internet browser settings to alert you when a cookie is placed.
Third-Party Cookies 
Third-party cookies are also placed on our sites and apps. The use of cookies by other companies is subject to the privacy policy and cookies policy of these companies.
Which cookies are we using?
Below you can learn more about the cookies used by and through our website and apps and for what purpose we use these cookies.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies allow our website and apps to work properly. Consider, for example, login and online orders.
These cookies allow, among others, to:
•    Store the products you add to the online shopping list.
• You are notified of an incomplete order so you do not miss your shopping list.
• The information you enter on the different pages during the payment or the order will be memorized as if you are logged in, so you will not have to fill in all your details again.
• You can shop safely on AB's web pages and applications.
• Your preferences are recorded, such as language, location, and desired number of search results that are displayed.
• Your browser settings are saved so that you can best view our web pages on your screen.
• You have the option to save the login data, so you do not have to enter them each time.
• We can respond to messages on our website and apps.
• Websites and applications are stacked evenly so they remain functional and accessible.
• It is possible to detect abuses or possible problems on our site, apps and services, for example, by recording a series of successive failures in login attempts.
For the use of functional or necessary cookies that have no effect or limited impact on your privacy, no license is required. Therefore, these cookies can not be disabled.
Analytics Cookies
With Analytics cookies, we collect statistics from our website and app users. By measuring the use of the site, we can continue to improve for the benefit of our users.
We use Adobe Analytics & Google Analytics to generate statistics about visits to our website and apps, which is a dedicated web analytics system exclusively.
The following data, among others, is stored in the web analytics system using cookies:
• The IP address (where the last byte is hidden).
• Technical features such as your browser (like Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Firefox) and the screen resolution of your computer.
• What page have you visited on the AB site?
• When and how long do you visit or use the AB site and / or apps?
• If you use the features of the web page or applications. For example, when you create a shopping list, when you place an order online or when you see previous purchases.
• Which pages you visit at ab.gr and which screens you view.
• Your interaction with AB products and offers presented to you.
• Your search, including the results of this search and the steps you followed in the ordering process.
• Your transactions. 
•    Unique identifiers, such as the unique visitor ID assigned to your device when you visit our site, the broken transaction ID, and the distinguished member ID.
Why are these cookies used?
• Control the number of visitors to our webpages and apps.
• Count the amount of time each visitor spends on our webpages and apps.
• Identifies the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of our websites and apps.
• We evaluate parts of our website and apps that require customization.
• We optimize our sites and apps in general.
Social Networks Cookies
Social network cookies are cookies that allow you to use certain features of social networking sites. For example, a Google map with an interactive path, the Facebook Like button, or the exchange of information, such as recipe sharing and video viewing through social networks.
We use social networks cookies in certain parts of the website and apps. For example, a Google map with interactive routes, the Facebook Like button or the ability to share information such as recipes and videos through social networks (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Youtube).
How do social media and cookies work?
When you click a social media buttons on our website or apps, a social cookie is placed. Social media can recognize your IP address when you want to share an item from the site, apps, or videos. For social networking cookies and data collected by this way, we refer to the statements made by these third parties on their own websites about it.
We recommend you to periodically review the privacy statements and cookies below:
•    Facebook
•    Google+ / YouTube
•    Instagram
•    LinkedIn
•    Pinterest
•    Twitter
Advertising Cookies
Our advertising cookies allow us to monitor the number and nature of advertisements you've seen from AB and / or third parties and that appear on our websites and apps. We do so to offer you the most relevant offers. This includes ads on our ab.gr, our apps, and external sites. 
On our websites and apps, you can see ads. We also place ads on external sites and apps. Most ads store cookies. In this way, the ads are and remain relevant to you.
For example, we can monitor the ad's display frequency. Ads are placed by us and, in some cases, by third parties on our websites and apps.
Our advertising cookies allow us to:
• We follow the announcements you've already seen.
• Protect you so you do not always see the same.
• We check whether you click on the ads.
• We see if you place orders after seeing or clicking on an ad.
• We create segments based on the data.
• We use our site and apps to serve third-party ads and offers based on your interests and potential.
• We use third party services to serve ads to you.
• We show more relevant ads based on the use of social networks.

• Measure the results, frequency and targeting of ads.

• Match the sales with the corresponding channel through which the sale took place. 

In addition to AB, there are other parties like media agencies and ad networks that place ads on AB sites and applications. In this way, they place advertising cookies through the AB website and applications.
Ad networks and the media act as intermediaries between website and app publishers and advertisers. For the cookies that place these parties for promotional purposes, please refer to the statements on the websites of these parties. As the statements may change regularly, we recommend you to periodically review these privacy statements and cookies.
We place ads on external and third-party apps. Our advertising cookies allow us to:
• Monitor the number of visitors who click on the ad.
• control how many orders are placed through ads.
• Check the value of the order you placed through the ads.
• Follow your preferences.
Use this information to allow the use of third-party ads.

Cookies for media partner
AB and its media partners may show you personalized advertisements on websites outside of ab.gr if you have given permission for this. Personalization is based on your interests and preferences. How these are determined can be found in the "Interest Profiling Determination" section.
We can recognize you outside of ab.gr based on cookies and the advertising ID associated with your device, when you have given us permission to use your clicks and searches behavior for personal advertisements outside of ab.gr. If you have given permission for personal ads outside of ab.gr based on orders and general customer information, we may use an encrypted unique code based on an email address. In addition to the unique code, we share one or more "audience groups" with partner media to show you relevant ads from ab.gr. "Audience groups" are titles we give to groups of customers with similar interest profiles.
If you do not consent to personalized ads outside of ab.gr, you will continue to see ads, including ads from ab.gr, but the ads will not be based on the data we have about you. If you have declined tracking for the AB app in your smartphone settings, you can only enable the personalization option based on click and search behavior if you have first enabled tracking on your smartphone settings.

Interest profiling determination
In order to personalize ab.gr, our messages and advertisements on and off ab.gr, we need to be able to determine your interests. We do this by combining various things we know about you and then classifying you into one or more areas of interest only with your permission.
If you have given us permission to personalize based on your browsing and search behavior, we collect this through cookies and/or the unique number associated with the mobile device you browse with. You can read more about cookies in our cookie policy.
If you give us permission to personalize based on your orders and general customer information, we will merge your browsing and search behavior with your orders and general customer information we have about you. By the term general customer information, we mean the personal information in your account, such as your date of birth or place of residence, the date you created your ab.gr account and your personal preferences (such as items in your eshop wishlists). To determine your interest profile, we look at what you have previously searched for or purchased from us, what is on your wishlists, and what interests you have shown by viewing certain items or categories in our store.
You can tell us your personal preferences in various places. Maybe you want to be updated about something or want to put items on your wish list. You can always adjust or disable these preferences on yourself. 
When we personalize, we don't rely on data more than 2 years. If you are interested in children's products, we rely on data at most 2 years, so that we can make the right suggestion at each stage your child is. We retain your account creation date until you delete it.
You can always manage what data we use for your interest profile by changing your settings.


Settings for Applications
Apps store information on your mobile device or tablet. You can download your app to your phone or tablet and run on your own device (you do not have to visit a separate site). You cannot change the settings to run an application without cookies, data storage and reading. However, we ask for your permission once when your application data is sent to AB. You can deny it. As a result, some application features will not work or will not work properly. For example, you will not be able to sync the shopping list between your account on your website and your app's account. If you delete apps from your device, the data stored on your device will also be deleted.
Privacy Policy AB
For more information on how AB processes your data, please refer to the Privacy Statement.
Final remarks
We will update our statements when changing our websites and apps or cookie policies. You can view the current version of this cookie policy by clicking the AB cookie policy link at the bottom of each page.
Review all cookies
You can see here a list of all cookies (and similar techniques) used on ab.gr
Do you have a question or complaint about the use of Delhaize cookies or do you want to comply with the cookie policy? If so, you can contact AB Openline using the Contact Form here.