16/12/2022 ΑΒ Vassilopoulos: Provides financial support of 12 million euro to its employees for 2023

AB Vassilopoulos, who has always its employees at the center of its every business decision, now proceeds to an increase in the basic salary,  as a form of continuity to  the extra allowance provided for the whole 2023 and to an increase in the employee discount for purchases from the chain. According to the company's Management Team, this investment of €12 million per year in total, it is going to be activated immediately for all its employees. 

In particular, AB Vassilopoulos decided to provide additional financial support to its employees in the form of a salary increase, implementing an investment of approximately €1 million euro per year. Increase of 7.5% in the basic salary, from 750 euros today to 806 euros. 

AB, in a particularly pivotal year, remains commited to constantly doing its best for its people. To this framework, it was decided to continue providing the employees with additional financial support, which takes the form of an extra 50 euros allowance each month. This initiative is estimated to complete to 8.5 million euro.

At the same time, the company further strengthens the benefits in the form of employee discounts for purchases from the chain's stores. In particular, with this investment, which corresponds to an annual cost of 2.5 million euro,  the company is going to increase the staff discount from 5.5% to 7% for all its employees. 

Nikos Lavidas, Brand President of AB Vassilopoulos, stated: «Always keeping people at the center of its operation, AB Vassilopoulos cares about everything that has value and supports its employees over time. Recognizing that our employees are the most important asset for us, we are constantly doing our best for the   AB family members. In this direction, with understanding and commitment to grow and develop, AB takes care of its employees and their families, aiming to make a positive difference in the lives of its people.». 

22/11/2022 AB Home Shop Center certified by TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD)

The new, innovative store of AB Vassilopoulos, the AB Home Shop Center was certified by TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD).

AB Home Shop Center, a result of an investment of more than 10 million euros, is a "dark store", serving exclusively the online orders of AB Vassilopoulos in Attica.

Thus, its certification according to the international standard ISO 22000: 2018 concerning the Food Safety Management System is of particular importance, as it is applied in the field of Food Receipt, Storage and Distribution and Home Delivery

The awarding of the relevant certificates took place within the AB Home Shop Center in the area of Ag. I. Rentis, in facilities of 7,500 sq.m. and in the presence of high-ranking executives of the two companies. The event was attended by executives of the consulting company PRIORITY, which undertook the design and preparation of the procedures towards certification.

In this way, the leading certification body in Greece confirmed that all actions of AB Home Shop Center are carried out in compliance with the strictest conditions and in a food safety environment.

AB Home Center thus manages to further upgrade online shopping in the company's e-shop, offering the highest security standards, cutting-edge technology, and the use of "smart" applications in its management and operation. In this way, it ensures the quality of the products, the faster and more "ecological" promotion of every online order.

It is noted that a total of more than 350 employees are expected to work at AB Home Center, while on a daily basis more than 13,000 orders are served from 7:00 in the morning until 10:00 in the evening.

Ms. Elena Nicolaou, Chief Inspector of TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD) stated: "The sharp increase in digital sales raises the bar in ensuring the quality of processes and food safety. And as it becomes clear from the award of the relevant certificate, the Home Shop Center fully meets the relevant requirements. We are very happy for our cooperation with AB Vassilopoulos and especially because we contribute to such an innovative and important project.”. 

Mr. Themistoklis Meletiou, HSC Operations Manager of AB Home Shop Center stated: "This certification comes as a culmination of our relentless effort to always provide our customer with the best. It is the result of methodical and ongoing cooperation of all the teams involved in acquiring it. With this certification we are demonstrating, once again, our purpose. We do our best to make a difference in people's lives by adopting policies and practices that ensure non-negotiable quality in the products that reach the consumers' table.”. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

10/10/2022 How do we enjoy fresh fish, while taking care of the sea?

Choosing fresh AB salmon, from certified aquaculture according to the ASC standard!

The commitment of AB Vassilopoulos to maintain the high quality of its products and to adopt good environmental practices is proven yet again. How? Through the certification received by our company for fresh salmon according to the responsible farming standard ASC.

Specifically, we were certified for the salmon products from the AB Fresh To Go series as well as the products of fresh, bulk salmon, confirming the excellent quality and good practices of the supermarket chain. The rearing of the fish, according to strict and responsible aquaculture standards, means in practice that AB Vassilopoulos contributes to the minimization of the impact on the ecosystem but also to the observance of strict feed standards. At the same time, it is a responsible choice for the natural environment while paving the way for the sustainable and responsible consumption of fish. 

AB Vassilopoulos proves in every way and at every opportunity that it cares both for its customers, who prefer and distinguish it for 83 years, as well as for the environment and the sustainability of the planet. Each environmental practice it adopts not only affects the functioning of the chain but also changes, overall, procurement practices. In that way, it increases the positive impact and educates consumers to reward the right strategic moves contributing to the protection of the marine environment and the ecosystem.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

07/11/2022 How are the people of AB Vassilopoulos distinguished?

Winning a Bronze Award at the HR Awards and an honorary distinction from the Hellenic Organization for Company Sport and Health 

AB Vassilopoulos gives its best every day to make a difference in the lives of both its customers and its people, the members of the AB family. A consistent goal is to shape a culture oriented towards growth and development, in an environment that fosters well-being and the adoption of habits that promote the health and well-being of all, as well as the creation of an inclusive work environment that highlights uniqueness and respects diversity. 

In this context, its distinction with a Bronze Award at the HR Awards 2022 in the category Best Internal Use of Academies, confirms in practice that the company respects its people and acts for their benefit. Specifically, it was singled out for the "AB Vassilopoulos Culture Academy" which is the largest educational program that has been implemented in the history of AB Vassilopoulos. Its purpose is to "bring to life" abstract concepts, while maintaining the educational bar high with the power of technology and modern training tools, such as webinars, e-Learning courses, and knowledge enhancement packages. In fact, a culture redefinition project was recently completed, with the participation of AB Vassilopoulos' own people. A culture that invests in creating competitive advantage in 4 pillars: Leadership, Customer Centricity, Teamwork and Diversity & Inclusion

In addition, AB Vassilopoulos is the only company that received an honorary distinction from the Hellenic Organization for Company Sport and Health as the company with the most employee participations, over time, in the organization's events. The company, participating for a decade in the Workplace Sports Games, supports all actions that integrate sports into the daily life of its employees, taking care of their health, well-being, and balance with the Wellness (AB) Living program, a program focused on all dimensions of health and positivity. Through these games, employees are given the opportunity to participate in the largest annual corporate sports meeting.  
AB Vassilopoulos cares about everything that has value and wants to make a difference in people's lives. Its people remain at the heart of its operation and is committed to continue its actions and consistently undertake new initiatives so that everyone can be everything they already are and everything they want to become. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

03/11/2022 ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος - Καλάθι του νοικοκυριού

H ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος βρίσκεται σταθερά στο πλευρό των 2,2 εκατ. πελατών της, διαθέτοντας προϊόντα που ξέρουν και εμπιστεύονται, σε ανταγωνιστικές τιμές, διατηρώντας αδιαπραγμάτευτη την ποιότητά τους.  Συμμετέχοντας στην πρωτοβουλία του Υπουργείου Ανάπτυξης, επέλεξε 74 προϊόντα, αντί για 50, για το «καλάθι του νοικοκυριού», προσφέροντας ένα μείγμα προϊόντων ιδιωτικής ετικέτας και επώνυμων προϊόντων, με βασικότερα κριτήρια επιλογής: τη διαθεσιμότητα σε όλο το δίκτυο της πανελλαδικά, αλλά και στο ηλεκτρονικό της κατάστημα, τη διασφάλιση της επάρκειας των αγαθών και φυσικά την παροχή περισσότερων επιλογών για την καλύτερη κάλυψη των αναγκών των πελατών της.

Παράλληλα, αποδεικνύοντας ότι νοιάζεται έμπρακτα για τους πελάτες της,  τους δίνει την δυνατότητα να εξοικονομούν καθημερινά περισσότερα, προσφέροντας συνολικά 850 βασικά αγαθά που καλύπτουν ευρεία γκάμα των αναγκών τους σε κάθε προϊοντική κατηγορία,  σε χαμηλές τιμές και πάντα με την εγγύηση ποιότητας της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, για να μη λείψει τίποτα από κανένα σπίτι.

Και θα συνεχίσει όλο τον χρόνο να δίνει τον καλύτερό της εαυτό για να κάνει τη διαφορά στις ζωές των ανθρώπων.


Η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, ακολουθώντας όλες τις απαραίτητες διαδικασίες, όπως εκείνες ορίζονται από την νομοθεσία, προχώρησε στην άμεση απόσυρση του προϊόντος «AB THINK BIO ΡΥΖΟΓΚΟΦΡΕΤΑ 100ΓΡ» με ημερομηνία λήξης 5/6/23 και κωδικό παρτίδας H22155J, που παράγεται από την εταιρεία CONTINENTAL BAKERIES - HAUST, καθώς σε αυτή και μόνο την παρτίδα ανιχνεύθηκαν μυκοτοξίνες - αφλατοξίνη Β1 και ζεαραλενόνη -  άνω του νομοθετημένου ορίου.

Η εταιρεία, στο πλαίσιο των υποχρεώσεών της απέναντι στην νομοθεσία και σε συμφωνία με τις αρμόδιες κρατικές αρχές, αλλά και με υψηλό αίσθημα ευθύνης απέναντι στους πελάτες της, απέσυρε άμεσα το σύνολο της συγκεκριμένης μόνο παρτίδας από τα ράφια όλων των καταστημάτων του δικτύου της. Επιπλέον, καλεί τους καταναλωτές που ήδη έχουν προμηθευτεί το προϊόν της συγκεκριμένης παρτίδας να μην το καταναλώσουν και εφόσον το επιθυμούν να προσέλθουν στο πλησιέστερο κατάστημα του δικτύου της ΑΒ προκειμένου να ενημερωθούν για τη διαδικασία επιστροφής του.

18/10/2022 Wolt's cooperation with AB Vassilopoulos expands dynamically

The online delivery service available, apart from Athens, in Thessaloniki, Patras, Larissa, Volos, Heraklion and Chania

Just a few months after the official announcement of the partnership between Wolt and AB Vassilopoulos in Athens, the stores that have joined the platform currently amount to 36, in a total of 7 cities. Specifically, the cooperation has already expanded rapidly and has incorporated 25 stores in Athens, 6 stores in Thessaloniki and 1 store in Patras, Larissa, Volos, Chania, and Heraklion. In this way, it makes it easier for the users of the application to make supermarket purchases quickly and easily from their favorite AB Vassilopoulos stores.

In the Wolt application, 5,000 product codes are available from AB Vassilopoulos stores, covering all categories and customer needs. Among them are fruits, vegetables, dairy products, but also products such as cleaning and household items. It is noted that all products, available via the application, have the same prices as the ones at the stores. At the same time, they "run" unique offers at regularly covering the daily consumer requirements and the needs of modern households. 

Dimitris Karelos, General Manager of Wolt for Greece, Cyprus, and Malta, stated: "We are very happy that our cooperation with the leading supermarket chain AB Vassilopoulos is growing rapidly. The addition of dozens of stores in all cities - where today Wolt has a presence - comes to meet modern consumer needs. Our alliance combines the technological superiority of Wolt with the quality of AB Vassilopoulos' products, expanding the choices and simplifying the everyday life of consumers.". 
Zeta Cheimonidou, VP Digital & Technology of AB Vassilopoulos, stated: «The expansion of our cooperation with Wolt, one of the most popular online delivery applications in Greece, makes us very happy. In just 3 months from the beginning of our cooperation, we are "located" in 7 cities and 36 locations, in total, to offer an excellent alternative solution for fast and quality purchases from our stores. Our customers' needs are evolving. So do we, and in this case, together with our partners at Wolt, we aim to offer solutions with quality, safety, and care.". 

With Wolt, shopping from AB Vassilopoulos stores is simplified. Purchases are made easily and quickly with the direct and digital tour of the supermarket shelves. The products arrive immediately and safely at the customers' door from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 20:00 and on Saturday from 09:00 to 19:00. The menu of the application is accompanied by photos, further simplifying purchases, while it is reminded that transactions at Wolt are made by card or cash for even greater convenience. In addition, Wolt customers can at the same time enjoy the unique benefits of the application and be informed at any time about the progress of their order through the live-tracking service, which provides the ability to track the progress of the order in real time.

13/10/2022 What's new about AB Plus for AB Vassilopoulos customers?

A new way to win, which if they try it will not change it for anything!

AB Vassilopoulos is here "for everything we care about" and returns the trust shown to it by its customers through the loyalty program of AB Plus, which is the first and largest loyalty scheme in the Greek retail market. With 25 years of presence and more than 2.2 million members throughout Greece, AB Plus acquires a new look, penetrates more and more into the digital age and is enriched with new exciting features that meet the needs of customers and give options.

In short, AB Plus is much more than just a loyalty program. It is a world that wins you and offers you new ways to earn the way you want, through every purchase. And if you try it, you will not change it for anything. Why? 

Because you earn points in many ways. With every purchase1  you make at AB stores and AB Eshop. Through coupons, games, partnerships as well as personal offers made for you and exclusive actions1 and surprises depending on the AB Plus profile you choose! 

Because you choose when and how to redeem them. As easily as you collect points, the more easily you redeem them. You can convert them into 6-euro or even 3-euro digital discount checks, which are added to your digital wallet, AB Plus wallet, for your next purchases. In addition, you can exchange them for free products of your choice.  

Because you control your points and profit easily and quickly. Within your online account at AB App or, you have all the information you need. With one click, you manage your perks and see your points and profit at a glance. 

The renewed AB Plus is a modern world of privileges that provides greater benefit, freedom of choice, convenience, and new possibilities, with the utilization of technology. It's an exciting, new world that wins you over! 

You; Will you experience ΑΒ Plus' new loyalty shopping experience? 
Learn more at

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

28/09/2022 How is the innovation and social contribution of AB Vassilopoulos recognized?

With ten distinctions at this year's Supermarket Awards and Convenience Retail Awards.

AB Vassilopoulos gives its best every day to make a difference in people's lives. How? It invests in the innovation of its products and services, supports society, protects the environment. For all this, and even more, it was recognized at the Supermarket Awards 2022 and the Convenience Retail Awards 2022, "lifting" a total of 10 awards! 4 Gold, 5 Silver and 1 Bronze

More specifically, at the Supermarket Awards 2022 it won 2 golds. The first in the category "Online Supermarket" for AB Eshop, its pioneering online store, and the second in the category "Private Label (Products / SERIES PL)" for the products of the series "OceaniQ – I want to take care of my home, taking care of the environment", which have 100% environmentally friendly packaging as they come from recycled fishing nets, while they do not contain any animal ingredients. 

Additionally, AB Vassilopoulos won 4 Silver awards:

  • In the category "Franchising Network" for the successful AΒ Shop & Go Franchise Network, which brings to our neighborhoods an ideal type of store for quick and easy shopping.  
  • In the category "Social Media Strategy" for the overall Social Media strategy of AB.     
  • In the category "Innovative Practices of Digital Communication" for the integrated program "Your nutritionist is here", an innovative service offered free of charge via the site
  • And in the category "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Human" to support programs around healthy eating, through which it contributes to the education of children around proper nutrition. 

Finally, AB was distinguished with a Bronze award in the category "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Environment" for the 18-month research to investigate food waste throughout its supply chain, in collaboration with Harokopio University. 

AB Vassilopoulos also won a triple distinction at the Convenience Retail Awards 2022 for AB Shop & Go stores. Specifically, it "lifted" two gold and one silver in the categories Franchise Brand Convenience Store - Mini Market - Small Supermarket in Attica, Standard Convenience Store - Mini Market - Small Supermarket and Franchise Brand Convenience Store - Mini Market - Small Supermarket in Thessaloniki, respectively. 
10 awards that reflect the dedication of AB’s team to offer solutions and respond to customer needs, always with care for society and respect for the environment, with passion for continuous development and innovation but also services that make the difference. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

22/09/2022 Memorandum of cooperation between the Archimedes Center of NKUA and AB Vassilopoulos for the joint promotion of innovation, the strengthening of Greek entrepreneurship, as well as the maximum utilization of knowledge results.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed by the Archimedes Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and AB Vassilopoulos, a leading supermarket chain. The cooperation aims at the joint promotion of innovation, the strengthening of Greek entrepreneurship, as well as the maximum utilization of the knowledge results produced in the laboratories of NKUA, and are later evolved by the start-ups supported by the Acceleration Program of the Archimedes Center of NKUA and can be used by AB. 

On behalf of the Archimedes Center, the Dean of NKUA, Prof. Meletios-Athanasios Dimopoulos, stressed the importance of connecting applied research with the market, with the aim of developing and maturing research results that may evolve into a start-up innovative entrepreneurship, for the benefit of the economy and society. "The Archimedes Center", emphasizes the Dean, "aspires to connect the research community with the industry and at the same time to hatch the best business ideas of the university community from which start-ups could potentially be created. The implementation of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of NKUA is directly linked to the objectives of the institution. The transfer of the technology to the economy will benefit researchers, the university, and the economy, while the operation of the business accelerator will allow NKUA members and associate members to further elaborate their business ideas and create start-ups». 

Regarding the cooperation, Olga Michalopoulou, Marketing Director of AB Vassilopoulos, stated: "At AB, we believe that the connection between the academic and business community is the "key" to the birth of tomorrow's ideas. That is why with all our cooperation and action, we aspire to support young entrepreneurs and their innovative ideas and, in this way, to contribute to making their dreams come true". 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

19/09/2022 Where are the 97 Recycling Centers of AB Vassilopoulos "located"?

At the very "top" of this year's Green Awards

AB Vassilopoulos makes a difference in the environment by adopting a "green" behavior, by its commitment to reduce food waste and by the strategies it implements in its facilities to reduce its environmental footprint. 

In this context, AB also puts recycling in our lives and gets recognized for this at this year's Green Awards, winning the top award "Recycling with sorting at the source in retail" in the category "Awards to Businesses and Public Institutions" for AB Recycling Centers.

Specifically, AB Vassilopoulos was distinguished for the Individual Alternative Packaging Management System that it implements, in collaboration with its strategic partner, TEXAN S.A., and the 97 Integrated Recycling Centers, located in an equal number of stores of the supermarket chain network throughout the country. At the Recycling Centers, AB's customers recycle plastic packaging, aluminum packaging, tinplate packaging, glass packaging, paper packaging, plastic bags, and for each material they receive a certain amount of money that they can donate to "The Smile of the Child" or use in their purchases at AB stores.

AB Vassilopoulos is the first supermarket chain and the only company - both in Greece and in the whole of Europe - to implement an Individual Alternative Packaging Management System. In this way, it puts recycling in our lives and gives, only in the last 5 years, a "second chance" to 15 million packages.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

01/08/2022 How did AB Vassilopoulos stand out at the Fortune Awards for the Most Admired Companies in Greece for the 8th consecutive year?

With the 9th place in the list of the 20 most remarkable companies in our country!

AB Vassilopoulos cares about everything that has value. It cares for its people, the society, the environment, and its sustainability. It ensures that every Greek household has quality products on its table and adopts innovative practices and services which take off the shopping experience, both within its physical stores and in the online world. 


For all this, AB stands out and is recognized! Thus, for the eighth consecutive year, AB Vassilopoulos is in the TOP20 with the most admired companies in Greece. Specifically, it won the 9th place in the largest survey on corporate reputation, organized by FORTUNE in collaboration with KPMG. The research, this year, had the motto "JUST BEFORE "META" and focused on 3 important pillars for every modern business. Innovation, Customer Experience and Engagement were, therefore, at the center of the 1,800 executives from 380 companies who participated in the survey and highlighted the companies with the strongest corporate reputation. And AB Vassilopoulos was in 9th place! Because it takes care of everything we care about. With actions and programs that contribute to the sustainability of our planet and highlight its strong social empathy, with dedication to innovation and new technologies, but also with constant care to offer the highest quality products to its customers, through choices and solutions that serve their every need and desire.

This important distinction reflects the purpose of AB Vassilopoulos to give its best to make a difference in people's lives. And it fills the great team of AB with pride and desire to continue, evolve and return the trust of its customers, every day.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

28/7/2022 How Alfa Beta innovates and is rewarded for its multifaceted action?

With ten distinctions at this year's RetailBusiness Awards 
and one at the Protagonists of the Greek Economy Awards 2022.

AB Vassilopoulos gives its best, every day, for its customers, the society, the environment. It invests in innovative infrastructures, products, and services, it constantly modernizes and "grows" its stores network, it interacts and is in "open communication" with its customers, while it is committed to protecting our planet with actions that make a difference. At the same time, it "plays a leading role" in the Greek economy with consistency and continuity, and with a stable growth and employability plan. For all these, then, it received a total of 11 awards! 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze at the RetailBusiness Awards 2022 and an honorary distinction at the awards-institution for the Greek business sector, the Protagonists of the Greek Economy 2022.


Specifically, at the RetailBusiness Awards 2022, it "lifted" 2 golds: one in the category "CSR Retail Strategy" for its commitment to reduce food waste and specifically its own footprint by 50% by 2025, through targeted actions and initiatives, but also another gold in the "Private Label" category for the products of the series, "AB close to the Greek land", which stand out for their fine taste and quality and bring to the table of every household the magic and tradition of the Greek land. 

At the same time, AB won 3 Silver awards:

  • In the "Retail Franchisor" category for the beloved AB Shop & Go store model, which enables young entrepreneurs to make their own successful start, while at the same time, it brings to the neighborhoods a store that offers the solution for quick and easy shopping. 
  • In the category "Social Media Retail Strategy" for the fun campaign "Where do I sit?", which "played" on AB's social media and concerned the Christmas table 
  • And in the category "Omni Retailers" for the omnichannel shopping experience and communication, offered by the supermarket chain to its customers.

It was also distinguished with Bronze awards in the category "E-Retailers" for its continuous investment in its online store, the AB Eshop and the innovative AB App, but also in the category "CSR Retail Strategy" for the integrated nutrition program "YOUR nutritionist is here", an innovative service that offers free of charge, through the site 

Finally, in the category "Suppliers' CSR Campaign" he won 3 more Bronze awards in total, for the "Live and offline" program that he implemented together with the Sarantis Group, for the program "I Offer Clean Seas & Coasts" in collaboration with P&G, but also for the Durex’s Corporate Social Responsibility campaign in collaboration with the National Public Health Organization (EODY).

AB Vassilopoulos, however, also stood out at the Protagonists of the Greek Economy 2022, with the special distinction in the category "Development & Investments". Through its leading position in the retail sector, the supermarket chain creates value, over time and nationwide, for the benefit of the Greek economy, national growth and employment, the Greek primary sector, as well as Greek society as a whole. 

11 Awards that recognize everything AB Vassilopoulos does for everything we care about. With innovative mood, inspiration, care, respect, and consistency.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about. 

25/07/2022 The new partnership between Wolt and Alfa Beta Vassilopoulos brings to our door everything that brings us joy!

The online delivery service will initially be available in Attica while more AB stores will soon be added to the application, for the rest of the cities where Wolt has a presence.


Wolt and AB Vassilopoulos announce their partnership to bring to the door of customers everything that brings them joy. The partnership began on Thursday, July 21 with the first five AB stores in Attica. These are the stores in Elliniko, Petralona, Perissos, Vrilissia and Nea Erythraia. This new venture comes to enrich the available choices of Wolt customers, who will now be able to do the supermarket shopping from the favorite AB Vassilopoulos stores, easily and quickly, from the comfort of their home or office.

More than 4,500 product codes are available in Wolt's application, covering all categories, such as dairy, cold cuts, but also personal care and hygiene products, cleaning, and household items. The available products will be regularly renewed with new labels and unique offers, in order to meet the demands of the daily life of modern households. 

Wolt customers can turn their daily grocery shopping from AB,  into a comfortable and special experience, enjoying more free time with their loved ones, without queues and waiting. With Wolt, groceries from AB Vassilopoulos stores come to their door from Monday to Saturday, from 09:30 to 19:30, in about 40 minutes, easily and safely.  

In addition, they can enjoy the unique benefits of the application, such as live tracking that provides the ability to track the progress of the order in real time. The menu of the application is accompanied by photos, further simplifying purchases, while it is reminded that transactions at Wolt are made by card or cash, with customers being able to schedule delivery on a day and time that suits them for even greater convenience. In fact, in case it is needed, they have at their disposal the fastest and best customer service team in online delivery, which responds on average in less than 40 seconds.  

Dimitris Karelos, General Manager of Wolt for Greece, Cyprus and Malta stated: "We are very excited about our new partnership with one of the leading supermarket chains in Greece, AB Vassilopoulos. The new cooperation combines our technological superiority with the excellent quality of AB Vassilopoulos' products for the benefit of customers. As Wolt, our goal is to offer more options and features to the app lovers, making their everyday life easier and simpler.

Zeta Cheimonidou, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy & E-Commerce Manager of AB Vassilopoulos stated: "At AB Vassilopoulos, we are always looking for the best way to be next to our customers. In this direction, our partnership with Wolt, one of the most popular online delivery applications in Greece, comes to upgrade the online shopping experience of our customers and save time on their daily shopping. Our goal is to constantly evolve, innovate and always offer choices, solutions and ideas that serve the needs of our customers."

It is worth noting that soon more AB stores will be added to the Wolt application, expanding the service to Thessaloniki, Larissa, Patras, Volos, Heraklion, and Chania. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about

About AB Vassilopoulos
At AB Vassilopoulos we have won a place at the table of every Greek household, through our non-negotiable quality, our unique service, and our special variety. Guided by our goal to give our best to make a difference in people's lives, we are always next to our 2.2 million customers with courage, integrity, teamwork, care and humor. Always next to every neighborhood in Greece, where our heart beats through our network that exceeds 600 stores throughout Greece. Where our people become your people, ready to serve you with joy and passion and to offer a unique shopping experience to everyone individually.

For contact with the company: Alexia Machera, Communication and Corporate Responsibility Manager, tel. 210 6608483, & Katerina Chalkou, Corporate Communication Manager, tel. 210 6608775,
About Wolt 
Wolt is a technology company based in Helsinki that makes it incredibly easy to discover and pick up the best restaurants, grocery stores and other local shops. Wolt's mission is to make cities better places for customers, merchants, and partner distributors. Wolt's local commerce platform makes it easy for customers to order what they need in one app, merchants to make additional sales, and partner distributors to make meaningful profits flexibly. To achieve this, Wolt is developing a wide range of technologies, from local logistics to retail software and financial solutions, as well as operating its own grocery stores under the Wolt Market brand. Wolt was founded in 2014 and joined forces with DoorDash in 2022. DoorDash is currently active in 27 countries, 23 of which are with the product and brand Wolt. 



18/07/2022 How is the inclusive way that AB Vassilopoulos “sees” food and labour recognized?

With 6 awards in total at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2022, the Bravo Sustainability Dialogues & Awards 2022, the Women Empowerment Awards 2022, and the Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2022.


AB Vassilopoulos "changes" the way we "see" food and, at the same time, takes care of an inclusive working environment. And for this "attitude", AB is recognized with 6 awards in total, given by the institutions of the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards, the Bravo Sustainability Dialogues & Awards, the Women Empowerment Awards, and the Diversity & Inclusion Awards.   


In the framework of reducing food waste and the need of a "green" behavior, AB made a big commitment to reduce its own footprint by 50% until 2025. In order to achieve this, it launched a series of targeted actions and initiatives. It founded the first "Alliance for the reduction of food waste" in Greece, together with the Organization "Boroume". It increased the donations of shortly expiring foods through the "Love Foods" Program. AB conducted an 18-month research to investigate food waste throughout its supply chain, in collaboration with Harokopio University. And together with WWF Greece, it designs and implements initiatives to inform and raise awareness of the issue to its suppliers, customers, and people. For all this, it won 2 Silver awards at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2022, in the categories "Business Cooperation & NGOs" and "Business Cooperation & Academic Institutions", but also at the Bravo Sustainability Dialogues & Awards 2022, in the category "Food Waste" and in the pillar Environment. 

In addition, AB Vassilopoulos won a double and bronze distinction in the categories "Best Companies - Retail" and "Best Initiative - Ethnicity" of the Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2022 for "Employment Opportunities in AB Vassilopoulos" and "Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in AB Vassilopoulos". And it didn’t stop here, as the first completed initiative for the empowerment of female entrepreneurship of ReGeneration, "gave" AB the Gold award at the Women Empowerment Awards for the ReGeneration FEMpowerment Initiative, which was implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Athens, under the guidance of Women On Top. All these recognitions, confirm that the company gives equal opportunities to all, supports female empowerment, and aims to create an inclusive working environment that highlights uniqueness and respects diversity. 

Six awards that prove in practice how AB Vassilopoulos "changes" the way we "see" food with actions that contribute to the reduction of food waste. And at the same time, it supports the power of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, so that everyone can be everything they already are and everything they want to be. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.


About AB Vassilopoulos
At AB Vassilopoulos we have won a place at the table of every Greek household, through our non-negotiable quality, our unique service, and our special variety. Guided by our goal to give our best to make a difference in people's lives, we are always next to our 2.2 million customers with courage, integrity, teamwork, care and humor. Always next to every neighborhood in Greece, where our heart beats through our network that exceeds 600 stores throughout Greece. Where our people become your people, ready to serve you with joy and passion and to offer a unique shopping experience to everyone individually.

For contact with the company: Alexia Machera, Communication and Corporate Responsibility Manager, tel. 210 6608483, & Katerina Chalkou, Corporate Communication Manager, tel. 210 6608775,

About the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2022
The Hellenic Responsible Business Awards recognises companies that promote the values of Responsible Entrepreneurship and invest in sustainable development, setting new standards in Greek business. The evaluation of this year's nominations was undertaken by a 30-member jury consisting of representatives of institutional bodies, professors, and experts of the sector. The awards are placed under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and are organized by Boussias, produced, and communicated by Paturn Communication & Consulting. Visit the  awards website to see the detailed table of the winners, photos, and video from the Awards Ceremony. 

About the Bravo Sustainability Dialogues & Awards 2022
Bravo! is an institution of dialogue that highlights the initiatives that promote Sustainable Development, by supporting a sustainable future. Completing 12 years since its establishment, the Bravo institution, following the international trends of Sustainable Development, evolves into three axes: the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards, Bravo Global Goals and Bravo Schools, as well as the annual organization of the Sustainable Development Week, Bravo Sustainability Week. This year, Bravo recorded a "record" of participations, with more than 300 initiatives participating in the Annual Social Dialogue for Sustainable Development, from 185 participating Organizations coming from the public of Businesses, Local Government Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and Academic Institutions, and with the active participation of more than 16,000 Active Citizens who highlighted the best initiatives that support a sustainable future. 

About the Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2022
In their first edition, the Diversity & Inclusion Awards highlight all the actions, initiatives and practices regarding inclusion, acceptance of diversity and equality in businesses.

About the Women Empowerment Awards 2022
In their first edition, the Women Empowerment Awards highlight the businesses, actions and strategies that have as a key element of their DNA female empowerment and equal opportunities in the professional field and education.


11/07/2022 How is AB Vassilopoulos rewarded for its “green” actions?

With three distinctions at this year's Supply Chain Awards and Packaging Awards    

Plastic reduction to boost the circular economy. “Green Fleet” for “green” products’ transportation. An innovative model for managing empty means of handling to reduce the environmental footprint.

All of these - and even more - are the "answer" of AB Vassilopoulos for sustainable development and environmental care. For this commitment and this strategic choice, it was recognized at the Supply Chain Awards 2022 and the Packaging Awards 2022.

More specifically, at the Supply Chain Awards 2022, AB received: 

  • Gold award in the category "Innovation in transportation – distribution" for Green Truck: The innovative green truck of AB Vassilopoulos. Τhe first green truck for the daily transport of the chain’s products which incorporates modern technologies that turn it into the greenest solution for distribution in the city, as it does not move with oil, but with natural gas. In addition, the products’ transport chamber is cooled by a refrigeration machine that uses carbon dioxide (CO2) as a refrigerant. AB's green truck is an intersection for the Greek standards and contributes significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions and other gases, produced during the operation of a classic diesel engine.
  • Silver award in the category "Green Logistics & CSR" for Green Sustainability: Reusable crates in AB's supply chain. This is an innovative project that changes the data in the supply chain network. The innovative model of managing empty means of handling is all about the use of reusable crates and aspires to significantly reduce the environmental footprint. This way, AB's supply chain team becomes part of the sustainability chain. 

At the Packaging Awards 2022, AB received: 

  • Silver award in the category "Circular Economy" for AB Water tabletop made of 30% recycled plastic.  True to its commitment to reduce plastics, AB Vassilopoulos is the first food retailer to change the packaging of private label products in the water category. How? With more sustainable packaging, with the use of recycled PET (r-PET), but also with the reduction of the plastic bottle’s weight, the label, and the shrink film. In addition, the entire design of the bottle has been made with a view to saving energy during its production. 

The initiatives and solutions of AB Vassilopoulos, at every stage of its operation, underline its environmental sensitivity and complement its holistic strategy for sustainable development. In this way, AB makes a difference and brings positive change for the People and the Planet. 

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

27/06/2022 How does AB Vassilopoulos care about the People, the Products, and the Planet?

Through the "Corporate Responsibility Actions 2021", which made a difference last year.

AB Vassilopoulos, in 2021, stood again next to everything that has value, with love and care, through actions for the People, the Products and the Planet. And for another year, the company proved in action its purpose: to give its best to make a difference in the lives of our fellow humans.

AB’s "Corporate Responsibility Actions 2021" are part of an integrated plan of initiatives which respond to the ESG criteria (Environment - Society - Corporate Governance) and confirm in practice that love, care and the feeling of solidarity are in AB Vassilopoulos’ DNA.

Actions of care for the People

The supermarket chain genuinely cares about the society and consistently supports its every need, urgent or not. Specifically, during 2021, AB offered 1 million euros in products, actions, and programs for more than 140 organizations. At the same time, it offered more than 137,000 healthy meals to school students throughout Greece, spreading smiles, through the DIATROFI program, which was implemented in collaboration with the Prolepsis Institute, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, while providing more than 8 million meals to NGOs through “Love Food”, the food donation program with close to expiration products.

As always, though, AB Vassilopoulos also cares for its own people. The 14,774 members of the large AB family. For them, it ensures a work environment suitable for their development, attractive and at the same time safe with modern corporate governance policies. Thus, it invested a total of 22.85 million euros in benefits to its people and offered them 319,403 total hours of training.

Actions of care for the Products

AB cares about the products it offers to its nearly 2.2 million customers. And in 2021, it made sure that every table and household was filled with fine, safe, and sustainable products of great quality. After all, 48.56% of private label product sales in 2021 concerned healthy food options. At the same time, it continued the systematic checks in stores and on its suppliers, too.

Finally, together with its Greek producers, who constitute 90% of its suppliers, AB opens new paths in the Greek primary production. In fact, it also takes care of their development, giving them access to tools, techniques, and innovative systems, via the Smart Farming Initiative, which is designed and implemented with the Bodossaki Foundation and the American Farm School, having benefited 234 producers so far.

Actions of care for the Planet

AB Vassilopoulos really cares about the planet. Because the environment is our big home, which we love and take care of for the next generations. Therefore, it takes measures for its protection.

In 2021, it led an initiative together with WWF Greece, aiming to reduce food waste by 50% by 2025.

At the same time, it has committed to reduce the use of plastic by the same percentage. It also installed 360 PPC Blue electric car charging points in 78 stores. Furthermore, it installed smart energy meters and monitors in real time and on a 24-hour based on the operation of its stores, Head Offices and warehouses, aiming to reduce electricity consumption.

At AB Vassilopoulos, sustainability, responsibility, care, respect and love for the People, the Products and the Planet are reflected in its every step. In everything AB has done all these years. This is why it's here. For all of us. For all that has value. For today's needs, but also for our future.

See in detail the Report of the "Corporate Responsibility Actions 2021" of AB Vassilopoulos here.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care.

23/06/2022 Εγκαινιάστηκε η ανανεωμένη πτέρυγα της Παιδοχειρουργικής Κλινικής του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης μετά τη δωρεά της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

Η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, αποδεικνύει έμπρακτα πως είναι πάντα «εδώ» για τον Άνθρωπο και την κοινωνία. Με πράξεις φροντίδας. Μια τέτοια πράξη φροντίδας, λοιπόν, είναι και η στήριξη που προσέφερε στην Παιδοχειρουργική Κλινική του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης. 

Συγκεκριμένα, η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, με δωρεά στη Μη Κερδοσκοπική Οργάνωση «Ανοιχτή Αγκαλιά», συνέβαλε στην αναβάθμιση του ξενοδοχειακού εξοπλισμού της μονάδας του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης και στην αναμόρφωση των θαλάμων των παιδιών για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας νοσηλείας τους. Η ανακαινισμένη Παιδοχειρουργική Κλινική του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου, στο οποίο ετησίως νοσηλεύονται σχεδόν 10.000 παιδιά, εγκαινιάστηκε την Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου.

Η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος άνοιξε αυτή τη μεγάλη «αγκαλιά» ώστε, τόσο τα ίδια τα παιδιά κατά τη διάρκεια της νοσηλείας τους, όσο και οι γονείς τους, να μπορούν να βρίσκονται μαζί σε ένα λειτουργικό και περισσότερο οικείο περιβάλλον, το οποίο θα μπορεί να κάνει τη διαφορά και στην ψυχολογία τους. 

Η Γιολάντα Βλάχου, Πρόεδρος του Σωματείου Φίλοι Κοινωνικής Παιδιατρικής/Ιατρικής «Ανοιχτή Αγκαλιά», δήλωσε σχετικά: «Όταν ανοίγει μια ζεστή αγκαλιά για να χωρέσει τις ανάγκες των παιδιών σημαίνει ότι είμαστε έτοιμοι να προσφέρουμε στο κοινωνικό σύνολο. Σ’ αυτό το κάλεσμα προσφοράς ανταποκρίθηκε η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, προσφέροντας τη δυνατότητα καλύτερων συνθηκών νοσηλείας στα σχεδόν 10.000 παιδιά που νοσηλεύονται κάθε χρόνο στην Παιδοχειρουργική Κλινική του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης. Σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά! Η ανταπόκρισή σας στον στόχο μας, μάς δίνει τη δύναμη να συνεχίσουμε.».

Η Αλεξία Μαχαίρα, Υπεύθυνη Εταιρικής Επικοινωνίας και Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, δήλωσε σχετικά: «Δημιουργούμε ισχυρές συνεργασίες με οργανώσεις όπως η «Ανοιχτή Αγκαλιά», οι οποίες βρίσκονται δίπλα στον Άνθρωπο και την κοινωνία, προσφέροντας φροντίδα και στήριξη. Σήμερα, είμαστε ιδιαιτέρως περήφανοι και χαρούμενοι που εγκαινιάστηκε η ανακαινισμένη κλινική, η οποία θα προσφέρει στους «μικρούς μαχητές» που νοσηλεύονται στην Παιδοχειρουργική Κλινική του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης, τη θαλπωρή που τους λείπει όταν βρίσκονται μακριά από το σπίτι τους. Όλοι εμείς στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος παραμένουμε δίπλα στις ανάγκες της κοινωνίας, σε όλη την Ελλάδα, με πράξεις φροντίδας, κάνοντας έτσι τη διαφορά στις ζωές των ανθρώπων.».

Η δωρεά στην «Ανοιχτή Αγκαλιά» αποτελεί μέρος της ευρύτερης προσφοράς της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος σε προϊόντα, δράσεις και προγράμματα για τη μείωση της επισιτιστικής ανασφάλειας, την εκπαίδευση γύρω από την τοπική παραγωγή και την υγιεινή διατροφή καθώς και τη στήριξη ευάλωτων κοινωνικά ομάδων αλλά και της τοπικής κοινωνίας ευρύτερα. Γιατί, η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος νοιάζεται για όλα όσα έχουν αξία. Για εμάς. Και για τους γύρω μας.

ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος. Για όλα όσα νοιάζεσαι. 

09/06/2022 Why is AB Vassilopoulos the top "AB Choice" for a wide variety of fish?

Because it is recognized with 6 Golden Stars of Superior Taste at the international competition of the International Taste Institute (ITI)

AB Vassilopoulos brings all the freshness and taste of the sea to our table and is recognized for this by the International Taste Institute (ITI) as 3 products of the series "AB Choice" -Sea bream, Seabass and Fagri- were awarded once again in the international competition Superior Taste Awards 2022 with 6 Golden Stars of Superior Taste and "won" the jury’s impression.

Specifically, with a Superior Taste Award of 2 Golden Stars were honored:

  • The Fagri from "AB Choice". The first-class fish, with white flesh, which is famous all over the Mediterranean for its taste. From the crystal-clear Greek sea, and with high nutritional value, it is a top-quality choice and can be cooked in various ways. Roasted, fried, or steamed.
  • The Seabass from "AB Choice". The fish, which is known as the "king" of the Mediterranean Sea in terms of taste, with unsurpassed nutritional value, becomes the protagonist at any table. It can be served grilled, steamed, but also fried.
  • The Sea bream from "AB Choice". Probably the most famous Mediterranean fish, and rightly so. Its unsurpassed taste, as well as the countless advantages it offers, as it is a rich source of omega 3 and not only, make it an excellent choice. The ways in which it can be served are innumerable: as a fillet in the oven, or fried, and the list goes on.

Three fine products stand out and inspire all those who love food, highlighting the richness of the Greek seas, the non-negotiable quality of AB Vassilopoulos and the strict control standards that it follows. At the same time, the award-winning series "AB Choice" with products that stand out for the way they are made and for their ingredients, already counts more than 20 awards and as a series is recognized internationally.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about!

More information about the products of the series "AB Choice" that are available exclusively in the stores of AB Vassilopoulos and the AB Eshop, can be found here.

07/06/2022 Ο Νίκος Λαβίδας νέος Brand President της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

Ο Νίκος Λαβίδας αναλαμβάνει καθήκοντα Brand President της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος από τις 20 Αυγούστου 2022. 

Ο Nίκος Λαβίδας έχει διαγράψει μία ιδιαίτερα επιτυχημένη και μακρά πορεία στον κλάδο των τροφίμων, κατέχοντας θέσεις αυξανόμενης ευθύνης. Από το 2009 έως το 2010, εργάστηκε ως Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος στην Kraft Foods Hellas. Στη συνέχεια, εντάχθηκε στο δυναμικό της αλυσίδας σούπερ μάρκετ I&Σ Σκλαβενίτης, όπου μέσα από διαδοχικούς ρόλους, ξεκινώντας από τη θέση του Επικεφαλής Στρατηγικής και Ανάπτυξης έως και τη θέση του Γενικού Διοικητικού Διευθυντή συμμετείχε στην αναδιοργάνωση της εταιρείας, αλλά και σε μια σειρά στρατηγικών εξαγορών που τελικά δημιούργησαν έναν σημαντικό παίκτη μεταξύ των αλυσίδων λιανικού εμπορίου στην Ελλάδα. Πιο πρόσφατα, ο Ν. Λαβίδας εργάστηκε στην Upfield  ως Γενικός Διευθυντής υπεύθυνος για τις αγορές της Ελλάδας, της Κύπρου, της Αλβανίας καθώς και 10 ακόμη άλλων χωρών της Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης. 

Ο Wouter Kolk, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος Ahold Delhaize Ευρώπης & Ινδονησίας, δήλωσε σχετικά: «Η τοποθέτηση του Νίκου Λαβίδα στο τιμόνι της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, διακεκριμένης εταιρείας του Ομίλου μας, στον κλάδο του λιανεμπορίου στην Ελλάδα είναι μια ιδιαίτερα θετική εξέλιξη. Η ΑΒ έχει ισχυρά θεμέλια, πρωταγωνιστεί στον κλάδο του ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου, διαθέτει μία μεγάλη ποικιλία προϊόντων και υγιεινών επιλογών, ενώ διαθέτει και ένα από τα πιο επιτυχημένα προγράμματα πιστότητας. Με τον Νίκο επικεφαλής, η ομάδα της ΑΒ ενισχύεται δυναμικά, με ένα στέλεχος που διαθέτει μακρά και επιτυχημένη πορεία στον κλάδο των τροφίμων. Ο Νίκος, με την εμπειρία και τις δεξιότητες, που αποδεδειγμένα διαθέτει είναι σε θέση να σταθμίσει τις στρατηγικές επιλογές και μαζί με την υπόλοιπη ομάδα, να διασφαλίσουν την άριστη εξυπηρέτηση των πελάτων της ΑΒ. Τον καλωσορίζω στον Όμιλο Ahold Delhaize και στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος.» 

Ο Jesper Lauridsen, Brand President Albert Τσεχίας και Brand Leader για την περιοχή της Κεντρικής & Νότιας Ευρώπης (CSE) δήλωσε: «Με μεγάλη χαρά καλωσορίζω τον Νίκο στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, ο οποίος θα αναλάβει καθήκοντα Brand President. Θα ενταχθεί σε μία δυνατή ομάδα με έμπειρα στελέχη στον κλάδο του λιανεμπορίου, με στόχο την καθημερινή εξυπηρέτηση εκατομμύρια πελατών.»

Από την πλευρά του, ο Νίκος Λαβίδας δήλωσε: «Είμαι ενθουσιασμένος που κάνω ένα τόσο σημαντικό βήμα για να γίνω μέλος της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, μιας εταιρείας με τόσο ισχυρή κληρονομιά στην Ελλάδα. Ανυπομονώ να ενώσω τις προσπάθειές μου με την ομάδα της ΑΒ σε αυτή τη συναρπαστική και φιλόδοξη πορεία προς την απρόσκοπτη ανάπτυξή της.»

Στον νέο του ρόλο, ο Νίκος Λαβίδας θα ηγηθεί της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος και θα απευθύνεται στον Jesper Lauridsen.   

Η ΑΒητική οικογένεια υποδέχεται με χαρά τον Νίκο Λαβίδα και του εύχεται καλή επιτυχία στα νέα του καθήκοντα.

06/06/2022 How was AB Vassilopoulos' support to its people during the pandemic recognized?

Από τα αριστερά προς τα δεξιά: O Παναγιώτης Παπαδόπουλος, Management Consultant της GEP, ο Χρήστος Διαμαντόπουλος, HRBP Operations & Associate Relations Director της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος και ο Γιώργος Λαμπρινός, Πρόεδρος & Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της GEP, στα Heal

With an important distinction at the Health and Safety Awards 2022

AB Vassilopoulos, the supermarket chain that proves in practice that it puts the man at the centre of its actions, was distinguished as a WINNER at this year's Health and Safety Awards, in the Retail category, for its Exemplary management of COVID-19. Specifically, it was awarded for the telephonic medical consulting service 24/7/365 that it provided to its employees in collaboration with GEP (Occupational Health and Safety Services Company in Greece). 

From the beginning of the pandemic, AB Vassilopoulos proved that it is an employer who is interested in the emotional, psychological, and physical needs of its people. And it makes sure that they feel safe and have all the provisions to face with calmness, optimism, and resilience the multiple upheavals that can occur in the life of every human being. This program, therefore, offered medical consulting support to AB employees in the stores, warehouses, and headquarters of the chain. Through this, they had the opportunity to be informed about the preventive safety measures, the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms and the measures that must be taken in case of isolation. At the same time, they received full information about the disinfection in the workplace and in their personal space, as well as for the special purpose license.

This award confirms that AB Vassilopoulos is next to everyone. With small but also big acts of care, always putting as a priority the safety and health of its people, its partners, and its customers.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

01/06/2022 Πώς η ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος έκανε τη διαφορά στον Εθελοντισμό για 12η χρονιά;

With 235 actions, and with more than 6,500 volunteers throughout Greece.

For the 12th year, AB Vassilopoulos proved through the AB Volunteer Day, that together we are stronger! With the value of volunteering and offering being in its DNA, AB’s employees-volunteers, joined forces with its customers and friends and became "one" in dozens of areas of Greece, for a good cause.

Specifically, for AB Vassilopoulos’ Volunteer Day, 235 actions were implemented throughout Greece from the AB’s stores, warehouses, and headquarters. More than 6,500 active volunteers gave their best effort on Sunday, May 29th, and made a difference in Volunteering, but also in the lives of our fellow human beings.

The actions embraced a wide range of different and unique acts of care. Indicatively:

In Kalamata, more than 80 employees of the local AB stores joined in a friendly football match the Veterans of the Black Storm, the historical football team of Kalamata, but also the children from the Ark of the World. The gains from the match were donated to the Ark of the World.

In Keratsini, on the other hand, the employees in cooperation with the Municipality, the fire brigade and the local group of scouts proceeded to an environmental action and specifically to plant trees in the park "Andreas Papandreou" on the Selepitsari hill.

A unique Volunteer Festival was organized at the headquarters of AB Vassilopoulos. In collaboration with the non-profit organization Ethelon, the volunteers and the little friends of AB prepared activity kits with painting materials, which will be distributed to NGOs that support children who are really in need. At the same time, basic commodities were collected for another 4 NGOs (Center for Special People "KEA - HARA", Stray Gerakas - Justice for Animals, PEMFI and Lyreio Children’s Institution) to support their action and work.

In Argos, the volunteers cleaned the “Aspida” historic hill on which the Castle of the city is located. While, in Heraklion, Crete, the volunteers of the ENA store, in collaboration with the Food Bank of Crete, proceeded with informing local schools about food waste.

With the feeling of offering to permeate every act of AB Vassilopoulos but also the value of volunteering to be well etched in its DNA, this year ΑΒ creates for the first time a unique Volunteering Hub for its employees. A community that will be created by the whole AΒ family. It is the place that will host volunteering activities throughout the year, so that each employee can choose the one that suits him best and at the time that serves him. Thus, the offer becomes part of the daily life of the people of AB.

AB Vassilopoulos showed for the 12th consecutive year that it cares and that it stands by the side of society with essential acts of care and love. Because it cares about everything that has value, about what is happening around us, about our fellow human beings, our society, and our planet. And it shows it every day.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

24/05/2022 Which traditional products from the Greek land were awarded for their quality at the World Quality Awards 2022?

Five exquisite and traditional Greek products of the series "AB near the Greek land", from Kythira, Crete, Kozani and Farsala, which highlight the flavors and traditions of our country, were distinguished for their excellent quality by the International Quality Institute, Monde Selection, and the World Quality Awards 2022.

Specifically, the jury of this year's World Quality Awards 2022 awarded with a Gold Quality Award the Kythera Olive Oil Rusks and the Whole Grain and Rye Wheat Rusks that are prepared in the village of Karavas, following the traditional local recipe. The Gold Award was also "lifted" by the Wholegrain Barley Rusks from Asi Gonia, Chania, Crete, made like in the old days, with whole barley flour, ground in a traditional stone mill with olive oil and sourdough. The Lentils from Kozani, the best ingredient for our favorite soup or salad, were also awarded as “golden”! The Beans from Farsala, a key element of the Mediterranean diet, were awarded with the Silver Quality Award.

Four gold and one silver distinction that complement the more than 20 international awards that the product line "AB close to Greek land" has received for the exceptional quality and superior taste of its products. Products, which AB Vassilopoulos brings with care and passion to every home, from all corners of Greece.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

12/05/2022 How was AB Plus's unique world of privileges rewarded?

Aπό αριστέρα προς τα δεξιά: η Σύλια Βουλγαράκη, Loyalty & Personalization Supervisor της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, και η Πέννυ Κουτσανέλου, Loyalty & Personalization Associate της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

With the bronze award at the Loyalty Awards

AB Vassilopoulos's loyalty program, for 25 years, offers unique privileges and benefits to the 2.2 million loyal customers of the supermarket chain, for their daily purchases, but also through the collaborations that AB maintains with companies and organizations. For the innovative, loyalty program "AB Plus: A world full of privileges for everyone individually", it was distinguished in the Retail category of the Loyalty Awards with a Bronze award.

The AB Plus loyalty program, one of the most historic in the Greek market, is a typical example of how everyday shopping becomes easy, fast, and most importantly more personal! At the same time, AB Vassilopoulos is committed to further develop the loyalty program, with new privileges and capabilities, innovative benefits, and more targeted offers and content, for a more personalized experience and reward. While AB invests further in the digitization of AB Plus, to offer everyone what they need, wherever they are.

Because for AB Vassilopoulos, every customer is unique. And AB Plus is an "act of care" and unsurpassed shopping experience for customers, with solutions and options based on the desires of each customer, individually.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

12/05/2022 Which award-winning series of detergents and cleaners stood out in the pan-European competition European Private Label Awards 2022?

OceaniQ, which is made with thought and consciousness and which you will find exclusively at AB Vassilopoulos

The award-winning series of detergents and cleaners, OceaniQ, available exclusively at the AB Vassilopoulos’ stores, gained the attention at this year's European Private Label Awards, the competition which recognizes the top and most innovative products of the supermarket chains throughout Europe. Specifically, it was distinguished as a Winner in its category for its attractive packaging that promotes the protection of the marine life, the support of sustainability and the circular economy.

With bottles made 100% from recycled fishing nets and vegan composition, the heart of the OceaniQ series "beats" in the depths of the sea, as its name suggests, and contributes to the protection of our planet.
In short, it is a series that has been made with thought and consciousness. That wants to help with the effort of having cleaner seas and a sustainable aquifer. That makes a difference in the environment and contributes to a better future for us and the future generations.

Learn more about the OceaniQ series here.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

05/05/2022 AB Vassilopoulos's new collaboration with InstaShop brings the grocery shopping at home to Athens and Thessaloniki, with just a few clicks

AB Vassilopoulos announced the start of its collaboration with InstaShop, the leading on-demand delivery service, and already areas in Athens and Thessaloniki are being served by the application!

With 7 years of experience and specialization in the online sales of supermarket products, the InstaShop application promises a unique shopping experience, similar to the one of the physical ΑΒ store, at the same prices and with delivery time within 1 hour from the moment of ordering. The application has more than 10,000 products available, while the consumer is given the opportunity to add an item after completing the order, or to choose immediately and easily a replacement in case of a sold-out product.


The Vice President of Marketing and Strategy & Head of E-Commerce of AB Vassilopoulos, Zeta Cheimonidou, stated: "AB Vassilopoulos's strategic cooperation with InstaShop, one of the largest ordering platforms in Greece and abroad, comes to upgrade the online shopping experience of our customers in Athens and Thessaloniki and save time in their daily shopping. Our priority is always to offer choices, solutions, and ideas to the ever-changing needs of modern consumers.".

The CEO of InstaShop, Ioannis Tsioris, stated: "It is our great pleasure to work with one of the leading supermarket chains in Greece. Thus, enabling the Thessalonians, initially, and the Athenians, afterwards, to make their purchases from the comfort of their home, utilizing the leading technology offered by the InstaShop platform and the excellent quality of AB Vassilopoulos products. With a variety of about 10,000 codes and immediate delivery within an hour, we aspire that together, through this cooperation, we will become the first choice in the delivery of supermarket products in Greece. ".

After Thessaloniki and Athens, AB aspires to further expand its branch network on the InstaShop platform, as well as the coverage scope of online delivery in other cities.

To download the application, click here

19/04/2022 AB Vassilopoulos: Act of care for The Athenian Nursing Home

This Easter, AB Vassilopoulos supports “Girokomeio Athinon”- The Athenian Nursing Home and stands by the side of our 140 elderly fellow human beings who are hosted there.

In this direction, ΑΒ "fills" the fasting and Easter table of the Organization with a significant donation of basic food products, among them 60 kg of margarine, 50 kg of legumes, 50 kg of jam and 26 kg of meat. In this way, AB "fills" the table of The Athens Nursing Home with care, offer and solidarity.

For our fellow human beings who need it. 

To make a difference in their lives.

11/04/2022 Why are AB Vassilopoulos’s Easter Eggs the most "precious" of them all?

Because they offer love to the Brave Children of ELEPAP

What is the "valuable exhibit" of AB Vassilopoulos? Its Easter Eggs, which for the 6th consecutive year, are dedicated to acts of offering, which change the children’s world for the better.

This year, with every purchase of an AB Easter Egg, the customers contribute with € 0.30 to the support of ELEPAP, the first Greek Charity Association in Greece, which provides recovery services to children with disabilities. At the same time, AB Vassilopoulos doubles the amount that will be raised for the treatments of these brave children.

In this way, all together, we offer something valuable ... Love for the Brave Children of ELEPAP!

The eggs are available in two different sizes (150gr. & 220gr.), with colorful children's drawings curated by the young visitors of the Hellenic Children's Museum. The AB Easter Eggs can be found in all stores of the AB network, in every Greek neighborhood, but also in the AB Eshop.

This year's AB Eggs are the most "valuable exhibit" because they make a difference in the lives of the brave children of ELEPAP. "Touch freely, then, it is for a good cause!"

Watch AB's imaginative TV commercial for the Easter Eggs, in which young children are starring, here.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

22/03/2022 AB Vassilopoulos: What "brought home" the "Living Data" program?

A Gold and a Bronze Award at the Cyber Security Awards for information security

AB Vassilopoulos recognizes the value of informing and educating its people on issues related to information security. For this reason, in a dynamic and changing digital environment, it has created the complete program "Living Data".

The information security program covers a wide range of topics, from corporate behavior to practical personal life advice. It is based on 4 pillars of interest -Customer Care, Brilliant Basics, Check before you Trust, Innovate for the Future- and is constantly updated to adapt to the market and industry data, in an accessible, interesting and enjoyable way for every AB employee.

This care for the continuous education of the people of the supermarket chain, as well as the creation of the innovative and pioneering educational program "Living Data" were recognized with two awards at this year's Cyber Security Awards.

More specifically, AB Vassilopoulos obtained for the "Living Data" program:

  • A Gold Award in the Cyber Awareness category
  • A Bronze Award in the Retail category

These are two important Cyber awards for the "Living Data" program and the "information security" as part of the daily lives of AB’s people at "work", "at home" or "on the go". For the information, education, and training of its people. For a safer and more sustainable society.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

29/03/2022 AB Vassilopoulos: What does the reduction of food waste and the environmental footprint have in common with the utilization of technology and the "harmonious" lifestyle?

They "add up" 12 distinctions in 4 separate institutions -Accounting Awards, Circular Economy Awards, Energy Mastering Awards and Healthy Diet Awards- for everything that makes a difference, in every aspect of AB actions

AB Vassilopoulos takes care of the environment today, for us and for the next generations, by adopting a "green" behavior, its commitment to reducing food waste and the strategies it implements in its facilities to reduce the environmental footprint. At the same time, AB is "digitally transformed" through the integration of RPA solutions in its operational processes, for the benefit of its people, but also of its customers. And it doesn’t stop there…AB also listens to the need of consumers for a healthier lifestyle, as well as their desire to buy environmentally friendly products, and offer options, solutions and ideas for a more "harmonious" lifestyle.

All the above, and even more, are reflected in the distinctions at the Accounting Awards 2022, the Circular Economy Awards 2022, the Energy Mastering Awards 2022, but also the Healthy Diet Awards 2022, which "embrace" AB’s range of important initiatives.

More specifically, AB Vassilopoulos at the Accounting Awards 2022, received:

  • A Gold award in the category Innovative Procedures & Financial Management Practices for Innovative Financial Management Procedures through RPA Automation.

At the Circular Economy Awards 2022, the company received:

  • The Winner title, as it collected the highest score in the retail category for the Commitment and Actions of AB Vassilopoulos to reduce food waste.
  • A Gold award in the Food Waste category for the Food Donation Program, "Love Foods".
  • A Silver award in the Zero Waste category for AB Vassilopoulos' Commitment and Actions for reducing food waste.
  • A Bronze award in the Recycling category (Compost - Materials Recovery) for AB Recycling Centers - A pioneer in environmental protection.

At Energy Mastering Awards 2022, it received: 

  • A Gold award in the Energy Efficiency category for the Facilities Energy Saving Strategy.
  • A Gold award in the category BEMS, Building Automations, Smart Building Systems for Intelligent plant management systems.
  • A Gold award in the Reduction / Minimization Emissions category for the reduction of carbon footprint.
  • A Gold award in the Energy Conservation category for the Strategic plan for sustainable development.
  • A Bronze Award in the Energy Monitoring Technologies category for the Smart Energy Monitoring and Management Systems.

At the Healthy Diet Awards 2022, it received:

  • A Gold / Platinum award in the Healthy Diet Retail Store Service category for the Armonia Health and Wellness Department of AB Vassilopoulos.
  • A Bronze award in the Healthy Diet Online Service category for the program Your Nutritionist is here by AB #allazoumesinithies.

Twelve special awards, therefore, that recognize the daily dedication of AB Vassilopoulos to make a difference, in every aspect of its daily action, for the benefit of its people, its customers, the society and the planet. For everything it cares about. For everything we care about, today, for tomorrow.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

22/02/2022 Τα νέα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

Εκλέχθηκαν τα νέα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, το οποίο ιστορικά αποτελείται από ανώτατα στελέχη της διοικητικής ομάδας.

Ο Σοφοκλής Γιαννακού αναλαμβάνει καθήκοντα Προέδρου του ΔΣ, ενώ ως μέλη εκλέχθηκαν η Ελένη Προβίδη, VP Legal & Public Affairs της ΑΒ και ο Δημήτρης Αρτικόπουλος, VP Human Resources & Organizational Development της ΑΒ.

Η διοικητική ομάδα έχει την ευθύνη διοίκησης της ΑΒ, τόσο σε θέματα καθημερινής λειτουργίας, όσο και στρατηγικής σημασίας, με Διευθύνοντα Σύμβουλο τον Jesper Lauridsen, Brand President ΑΒ, Albert και Brand Leader για την περιοχή της Κεντρικής και Νότιας Ευρώπης (CSE).

17/02/2022 AB Vassilopoulos receives the SHARE Gender Equality Label

It is among the 18 companies which receive, for the first time in Greece, the Gender Equality Label for the practical promotion of actions and initiatives aimed at gender equality

AB Vassilopoulos is among one of the 18 companies that receive the SHARE Gender Equality Label for the first time in Greece. SHARE depicts the actionable promotion of practices and initiatives within companies aiming at gender equality. It is the result of a two-year effort to promote work-life balance, as well as a better distribution of care responsibilities between men and women.

AB Vassilopoulos successfully responded to this "journey" which included, among other things, the application of the methodology developed, the training and the final evaluation of 4 criteria: the equal treatment of the two sexes, the equality in decision-making, the reconciliation of professional and private life for women and men, as well as the corporate culture and the wider business policy.

Therefore, according to the recommendation of the independent Evaluation Committee, AB Vassilopoulos promotes gender equality, and SHARE "seals" the supermarket chain’s commitment to constantly support the dialogue on diversity, integration, and inclusion.

In this spirit, Dimitris Artikopoulos, VP of Human Resources & Organizational Development of AB Vassilopoulos, noted: "We feel happy and proud to receive the SHARE Gender Equality Label. This initiative reflects all those necessary - and fundamental - principles of the modern society. Of the modern business world. Of the modern labor market. It gives voice and strength for the creation of an inclusive ecosystem that needs women - but also men - to evolve and take the next step.".

The SHARE Equality Label confirms the way AB Vassilopoulos operates as an employer.

AB recognizes that it is a group of different, unique people. It encourages their people to be what they already are, but also everything they want to be, in their professional and private lives. And AB believes that gender equality, in a modern professional environment, must cease to be in demand.

For this reason, AB Vassilopoulos "SHARES" diversity and integration, acceptance, and inclusion without exclusions.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about!

04/02/2022 Ο Βασίλης Σταύρου αποφάσισε να αποχωρήσει από την ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος

Μετά από 28 χρόνια καριέρας στην ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος, ο Βασίλης Σταύρου ανακοίνωσε την απόφασή του να αποχωρήσει από την εταιρεία, όπου ασκούσε καθήκοντα Brand President από το 2018.

Ο Βασίλης Σταύρου ξεκίνησε στην ΑΒ το 1994. Στη μακρά πορεία του στον Όμιλο, διετέλεσε, μεταξύ άλλων, προϊστάμενος  Ποιοτικού Ελέγχου στη Διεύθυνση Αγορών, Γενικός Διευθυντής Επιχειρηματικής Ανάπτυξης, Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού και  Αειφορίας για την Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη & Ινδονησία, καθώς και Brand President της Mega Image στην Ρουμανία.

Για την αποχώρηση του Βασίλη Σταύρου, ο Wouter Kolk, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος Ahold Delhaize Ευρώπης & Ινδονησίας, δήλωσε: «Θα ήθελα με αυτήν την ευκαιρία να ευχαριστήσω προσωπικά τον Βασίλη για τη σημαντική συνεισφορά του στην εταιρεία μας, κατά τη διάρκεια της μακρόχρονης καριέρας του. Είναι γνωστός και σεβαστός για το πάθος του για τους ανθρώπους και το χτίσιμο δυνατών ομάδων. Η βαθιά εμπειρία του στο χώρο του λιανικού εμπορίου και η φροντίδα για τους άλλους είναι μοναδική και θα μείνει αξέχαστη σε πολλούς.».

Η εταιρεία βρίσκεται ήδη σε αναζήτηση νέου επικεφαλής. Στο μεταξύ, ο Jesper Lauridsen, Brand President Albert και Brand Leader για την περιοχή της Κεντρικής και Νότιας Ευρώπης (CSE), θα αναλάβει την ευθύνη ως Brand President της ΑΒ Βασιλόπουλος και αυτό πέρα από τις τρέχουσες αρμοδιότητές του. Ο Jesper θα συνεργαστεί στενά με την Διοικητική Ομάδα της ΑΒ, με στόχο την απρόσκοπτη ανάπτυξη της εταιρείας, στην ελληνική αγορά.

Για επικοινωνία με την εταιρεία: Αλεξία Μαχαίρα, Υπεύθυνη Επικοινωνίας και Εταιρικής Υπευθυνότητας, τηλ. 210 6608483, 

03/02/2022 How does AB make a difference in the Franchise model?

With 2 innovative business schemes and the distinction as Be Spoken Franchise at the leading institution "Franchise Awards 2022"

AB Vassilopoulos stood out at the "Franchise Awards 2022", the most prestigious franchising institution in our country, after being awarded in the Be Spoken Franchise category. This distinction is another recognition for the 2 successful, innovative business schemes which are offered to every new entrepreneur - franchisee who wants to make his own start at the business world. And always, he has as an ally the experience, the reliability, and the substantial support of a large supermarket chain, such as AB Vassilopoulos, which will undertake most of the required investment for the operation of the store.

Both AB Shop & Go, the city stores located in every neighborhood for quick and easy shopping, and the AB Food Market stores that operate in the continental region of Greece and the islands, are an attractive collaboration offer for those who want to take a step towards their dream, by starting their own business. At the same time, they offer customers the unique AB shopping experience, with options, solutions, and ideas for everything they need.

The Wholesale & Affiliate Retail Director of AB Vassilopoulos, Dimitris Papachrysanthou, stated: "We are proud for this important award which confirms that in a time of high demands and great challenges, AB continues to support the Greek entrepreneurship and create new job positions.  So, we strengthen our support even more towards the people who want to take the next step, having the strongest name and a completely specialized team by their side. We are here for those young entrepreneurs who have the passion and willingness to invest at the place of origin, and together we will make their dream come true.".

AB franchise network, which currently counts 267 * stores nationwide, is constantly growing and expanding. It is evolving and adapting, in order to integrate all the modern trends and make a difference!

Learn more at

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

* Specifically, the AB franchise network counts 82 AB Food Market stores, 106 AB Shop & Go stores and 79 AB Shop & Go Shell stores. 

17/01/2022 How did AB Vassilopoulos celebrate the completion of 100 stores AB Shop & Go?

With the ambition to expand the AB Shop & Go store network with 50 new stores in 2022 and reach 250 stores in the next three years!

With the opening of the new AB Shop & Go store in Argyroupoli (20 Kyprou Avenue, 16452), AB Vassilopoulos celebrates the completion of 100 AB Shop & Go stores, which are small city stores in densely populated areas, offering a fast and easy shopping experience.

Since 2012, AB Vassilopoulos recognized that the franchise is an emerging business field with exceptional dynamic. In this context, AB created a new type of convenience store, AB Shop & Go, to cater the daily, emerging, or complementary shopping, by offering many options along with the shopping speed and the friendly service, all within the neighborhood.

The AB Shop & Go concept, is an attractive cooperation proposal for every young entrepreneur who wants to make his own start, having as an ally, the experience, reliability, and substantial support of a big supermarket chain, like AB Vassilopoulos.

Specifically, AB undertakes the evaluation and implementation of the investment, the rental, and the cost of the property’s configuration, the purchase of technological equipment and the training of the store’s staff. The prospective franchisee needs to have a small working capital, while, at the same time, will have to repay the investment during the contract, by paying a monthly installment without additional charges, for 10 years.

AB Vassilopoulos aspires to further expand the AB Shop & Go store network, with 50 new stores in 2022, and to reach 250 stores in total within the next three years. This way, AB will cover the convenience market at least in Athens, Piraeus, and Thessaloniki.

The Wholesale & Affiliate Retail Director of AB Vassilopoulos, Mr. Dimitris Papachrysanthou stated: "AB Shop & Go addresses all those who have dreams, the will and the mood to succeed. And certainly, those who want to start their own business. So, to all those who have the desire to invest in their neighborhood, together, we will make our vision a reality, in every Greek neighborhood: to offer choices, solutions and ideas that we have personally curated, with exceptional quality products, which inspire daily all those who love food.".

Learn more at

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.

10/01/2022 How did AB Vassilopoulos make a difference in the lives of our fellow human beings the year that passed?

With 1,000,000 euros in products, actions, and programs for more than 140 Organizations throughout Greece

"What are we going to eat today?". A simple -everyday- question. But not for everyone. So, for those of whom food means much more, AB Vassilopoulos, in 2021, allocated 1,000,000 euros in products, actions and programs to reduce food insecurity, reinforce the education around local production and healthy nutrition, as well as to support the socially vulnerable groups, and the local community in general.

This way, AB significantly strengthened the work of more than 140 Organizations, such as Boroume, the Food Bank, ELEPAP, the Ark of the World, The Smile of the Child, the Open Arms Hug, the Prolepsis Institute, the American Farm School, the Agricultural University of Athens, etc.

The Head of Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Communication of AB Vassilopoulos, Alexia Machera, stated: "At AB, we create strong bonds with Organizations, Institutions and local communities, supporting initiatives that have measurable results for the Human. We are aware of our society’s different needs, and we respond immediately, with a value-based, deeply humane and human-centered approach and always with acts of care, aimed at reducing food insecurity. And we will continue to do so, because at AB Vassilopoulos, we want to make a difference in the lives of our fellow human beings.”.

AB Vassilopoulos made sure, once again, that nothing will be missing from the table of those who need it the most. Because AB knows that food is not just raw materials. It is a basic need. Because AB cares about everything that has value and wants to make a difference in the lives of our fellow human beings.

Learn more here.

AB Vassilopoulos. For all that you care about.