AB eshopΒeverages, soft drinks, waters, nutsNon-refrigerated juicesNaturalΦυσικός Χυμός Πορτοκάλι Μήλο Ροδάκινο Βερίκοκο 6x250ml
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PEPPA PIG | Φυσικός Χυμός Πορτοκάλι Μήλο Ροδάκινο Βερίκοκο 6x250ml

1,5 L
2,99 €/ L
Offer to all: Win 30% with every product
From 23/10/2024 to 6/11/2024See range
1,5 L
2,99 €/ L
  • Φυσικός χυμός μήλο, πορτοκάλι, ροδάκινο, βερίκοκο.
  • Ο συνδυασμός 4 φρούτων από 100% φυσικό χυμό δημιουργεί μια ξεχωριστή γεύση που συναρπάζει μικρούς και μεγάλους.


ID: 4131075

* DISCLAIMER: Although AB strives wherever possible to get reliable data from suppliers and to provide reliable information on its websites, AB does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or their actuality. Some differences may occur between the data mentioned on the website and the data repeatedly on product labels, including for technical reasons inherent in inventory turnover. The data presented on the site does not replace the data in the labels on the products. In case of discrepancy, the information on the labels of products prevail. Consumers must check before purchase and at the very least before consumption of the product the data appearing on the labels of it (including allergens). The consumer has expressly renounces any recourse against AB in case of discrepancy.